Fernando llorente, A return to the league?

Fernando Llorente, ¿vuelta a la Liga?
Fernando Llorente wants to return to Athletic. FOTO: Daily Star

Last update 25 November, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Fernando Llorente wants to return to the league. Since his departure from Athletic Bilbao 2013 towards Juventus, the once “Lion King” He has gone through Italian football, by Sevilla and the Premier where he has worn T-shirts Swansea and Tottenham. Precisely the latter out of contract next summer 2019 and the player has reiterated several times its idea of ​​returning to the league, even in next winter market.

And the riojano does not hide where he would like, which is none other than to which was his home, San Mamés, from which he left leaving many open wounds both the directive and with fans who felt like a backstabbing that the player would not renew his contract and end up walking away free and the back door of the club that had given everything.

Fernando Llorente is left wanting by Athletic

“I've been quite a few years out. Bilbao is my home. If I had an offer would value. I would love to return to the Spanish Liga” Not long ago recognized striker. Sin embargo, despite being made a bad season, have the hopes placed in front of 37 Aduriz years and flirting with relegation, where it seems they are not the work itself is Athletic, at least its president, Josu Urrutia who incidentally leave the presidency as his term ends.

I only know that an offer had considered irrechazabale (the Athletic) and he chose another (for Juventus)” Urrutia said a Brand not long ago. Now we have to see if Llorente can come from the hand of any of the candidates to be submitted to the presidency of the Athletic and finishes the season as a team that after three months of competition, still not clear at all good feelings.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


One thought on “Fernando llorente, A return to the league?

  1. As you heard from Bilbao, the plates that will be presented are Mario fernandez (Clemente sporting director) and Aitor Elizegi. The first takes getting ready for 2 años, as is well known Clement wants to llorente so the rumor is false. The Aitor Elizegi is the biggest unknown because little is known of it.

    This is also watching Ibai, Herrera and Javi Martinez.

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