The oldest players to debut in the history of the League

Los jugadores más viejos en debutar en la historia de la Liga
Armando Ribeiro debuted with the last long Cádiz 30. FOTO: As

Last update 14 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Who are the oldest players to debut in the history of the Spanish League? Esta pregunta, They make sure that many Spanish football fans is that, If ever we find cases of players that chance to play in the elite reaches them in mid-teens or twenties new entry, there are others who reach when least expected, when they were almost about to throw in the towel. Rwe remember some of them.

The oldest players to debut in the history of the Spanish League

Armando Ribeiro

Armando debut in the elite 34 años nothing more and nothing less than a Cádiz-Real Madrid 2005. His good work in the Andalusian He earned him to sign on 2008 already with 37 years with Athletic Bilbao. A least curious case since age fichaba others had already hung up the gloves. One can say that the best of his career and came well into thirty.

Vicente Moreno

Valencia was one of the engines Xerez for many years but his fate seemed doomed to the Second Division until the rise of xerecista First team in 2009. This caused Vicente Moreno, debuted in the top flight with 34 years and got his first goal in First Division already 35 springs behind. Is the second most capped player in the history Xerez.

Jonathan “Jona” López

In the late 90 it was one of the most promising players in the quarry of Valencia. In fact, at the beginning of the XXI century it was one of the best paid of all young values ​​of the Valencia team. Sin embargo, what seemed a brilliant career came to nothing. He went through the Albacete, Oviedo, Cordoba…without much luck to finish in her thirties playing in Greece. When the Spanish soccer elite seemed to have forgotten him lGetafe bequeathed to sign him with 33 años already served, the age at which finally managed to debut in First Division.

Jesus Mendoza

Xerez another player managed to reach the top flight when least expected. Left back and captain set azulino He debuted 32 years already served in the First Division. A good prize for the most capped player in the history of Andalusian. Another of those Oldest footballers to debut in the history of the League.

Enrique Gallego

Con 31 years played in Second B. Proven goalscorer in the bronze category, he got the chance to climb to second on the Estremadura. Half turn professional and 15 goles, They won him to make the jump to Primera División para Huesca debut in the second round of the League 2018-19, con 32 años. He scored right away. One player oldest to debut in League history.

Rubén Suárez

Rubén Suárez It was a promising southpaw 1999. He son of the legendary Cundi, formed in the quarry Sporting de Gijón He was summoned to go to Spain to Nigeria World Sub 20 which ultimately, would win. A computer that had players like Xavi, Casillas, Marchena, Yeste..todos them with multiple parties in First. Sin embargo, Reuben's career was a bit slow, especially for a serious knee injury in Elche. Finally, en 2008 el Levante He noticed him and became one of the most important and beloved players of the club with which granota He debuted 31 years in the top flight scoring a goal to Sevilla the same day.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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