The numbers leaving Classic

Los números que deja el Clásico
Ramos tied the "Classic" practically at the last minute. Foto: ABC

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The Camp Nou was again, witness one of the biggest events in the world of sport and, specifically, del fútbol: El Clásico. only party worldwide by the likes of both clubs, the amount of appointment figures are given on grass, and generating the media coverage.

A classic that has been closed in tables (1-1), and a long list of meetings adds. Specifically, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid have met in 173 occasions: 68 victories for the Catalans, 72 for meringues and 33 draws. From those 68 Barca wins, 49 They have been at home and 19 as a visitor. Por el contrario, Whites have come out winners 52 times at the Bernabeu and 20 en el Camp Nou. De los 33 draws, 18 They have taken place in territory blaugrana 15 Land in Madrid.

More players who have defended the shield of Barca in El Clasico have been Xavi (29 meetings), Puyol (26 meetings) and Migueli (25 meetings). En el Madrid, The same situation is starring Gento (31 meetings), Raúl (31 meetings) and Sanchis (29 meetings),

De los 555 goals scored, 274 They have been in favor of Barca and 281 has for Real Madrid. Messi (14), César (12) and Basra (8) are the top scorers in the history of the Classic for the Catalan team; and Di Stéfano (14), Raúl (11) and Gento (10) older gunners all Madrid.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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