Goalkeepers with more trophies Zamora

Los porteros con más trofeos Zamora
Víctor Valdés is one of the 3 porteros que tienen el 'Zamora de Oro'. FOTO: https://sp.depositphotos.com/

Last update 3 April, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

¿Who are the goalkeepers who have won the Zamora trophy the most times?? He “Divine” Zamora He was the first great goalkeeper in the history of football back in the early 20th century. The inventor of the “Zamorana” He had such an impact that was one of the media players of his time. Such was the case at the end of the 50 They decided to put their name to the trophy goalkeeping record in the Spanish League.

Hasta el momento, only three players have the ‘Golden Zamora‘, a trophy given to goalkeepers who have won 5 Zamora times trophy. We tell you who are all the winners of this trophy.

Who has won the Zamora trophy more times??

bouquets, Victor Valdes and Jan Oblak

Both Barcelona goalkeepers and history of the culé club won up to five times each the Zamora trophy although in the case of Ramallets, three of them were as goalkeeping and the other two already under the name “Zamora Trophy”. one in the 50 twentieth century and the other in the XXI century, They consecrated themselves as the gatekeepers with more individual titles but obviously their defenses also had their share of merit. Jan Oblak, Slovenian goalkeeper for Atlético de Madrid, joined the list of 'Zamora de Oro‘ by conquering too 5 Zamora trophies. 4 followed between the 15-16 y la 18-19 and another in the 20-21.

Juan Acuna, Santi Canizares

Juan Acuña was a Galician goalkeeper who played his entire career at the club of his land. A footballer of those of those before those who passed all their sport life in the same club. It was the best goalkeeper in the early 40. He “Dragon” Cañizares as he baptized Ranieri also took 4 trophies, these if everyone already called Zamora. He shared the first one with Liaño in 1993 and he won the last 11 years later in 2004.

porteros con más trofeo Zamora
Cañizares is one of the Spanish goalkeepers with the most Zamora. FOTO: https://sp.depositphotos.com/

Ricardo Zamora, Gregorio Blasco, José Vicente Train, Salvador Sadurní, Luis Arconada, Juan Carlos Ablanedo and Thibaut Courtois

Until 7 different goalkeepers won 3 Sometimes the trophy at least goleados goalkeeper League, including the same man who gave the name to the trophy although obviously not called so. These two classic soccer 80 it is included 90 as Arconada and Juan Carlos “the cat” Ablanedo. Thibaut Courtois the only one of the 21st century with 3, he won it in two of the three seasons he played for Atlético de Madrid and one for Real Madrid (2020).

Ignacio Eizaguirre, Marcel Domingo, Antonio Betancort, Miguel Reina Santos, Paco Buyo and Francisco Liaño

These 7 Goalkeepers won the trophy twice goalkeeping. Including the legendary Ignacio Eizaguirre, Pepe Reina's father, Miguel and two mythical like Paco Liaño quién en 1994 he won with the fewest goals conceded in history and Paco Buyo.

Full list of winners of the Zamora trophy

5 Bandera de España Antoni Ramallets
Bandera de España Víctor Valdés
Bandera de Eslovenia Jan Oblak
4 Bandera de España Juan Acuna
Bandera de España Santiago Canizares
3 Bandera de España Ricardo Zamora
Bandera de España Gregorio Blasco
Bandera de España José Vicente Train
Bandera de España Salvador Sadurní
Bandera de España Luis Arconada
Bandera de España Juan Carlos Ablanedo
Bandera de Bélgica Thibaut Courtois
2 Bandera de España Ignacio Eizaguirre
Bandera de Francia Marcel Domingo
Bandera de España Antonio Betancort
Bandera de Argentina Jorge D'Alessandro
Bandera de España Miguel Reina Santos
Bandera de España Paco Buyo
Bandera de España Francisco Liano
1 Bandera de España Tomas Zarraonandía
Bandera de España Joaquin Urquiaga
Bandera de España Fernando Tabales
Bandera de España Jose Maria Echevarria
Bandera de España Jose Banon
Bandera de España Raymond Perez Lezama
Bandera de España John Zambidius Velasco
Bandera de España Luis Menendez
Bandera de España Juan Alonso
Bandera de España Gregorio Vergel ‘Goyo’
Bandera de España José Araquistáin
Bandera de España Jose Manuel Pesudo
Bandera de España Andres Zapico Junquera
Bandera de España Jose Angel Iribar
Bandera de España Abelardo Gonzalez
Bandera de España Juan Antonio Deusto
Bandera de España Miguel Angel Gonzalez
Bandera de España Pedro Maria Artola
Bandera de España Jose Luis Fdez. manzanedo
Bandera de España Augustin Rodriguez
Bandera de España Garcia Remon
Bandera de España Rodri
Bandera de España Francisco Javier 'Urruti’
Bandera de España Andoni Zubizarreta
Bandera de España Jose Manuel Ochotorena
Bandera de España Abel Resino
Bandera de España Pedro Jaro
Bandera de España Jose Francisco Molina
Bandera de Camerún Jacques Songo'o
Bandera de España Toni Jimenez
Bandera de Argentina Carlos Roa
Bandera de Argentina Martin Herrera
Bandera de Argentina Pablo Cavallero
Bandera de España Jose Manuel Pinto
Bandera de Argentina Robert Abbondanzieri
Bandera de España Iker Casillas
Bandera de Chile Claudio Bravo
Bandera de Marruecos Yassine Bounou

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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