Lucas Alcaraz ousted from Granada: His replacement will be Tony Adams, former Arsenal

Lucas Alcaraz destituido del Granada: su sustituto será  Tony Adams, ex jugador del Arsenal
Lucas Alcaraz was dismissed from Granada despite renewed few months ago. Foto:

Last update 10 April, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

The world of football sometimes borders absurd situations. Lucas Alcaraz has been dismissed as coach of Granada, something that seems standard with Nazari set in the relegation round and near the relegation to the Second if not because the club renewed the technician in December with the team in a situation similar to that found at the time of dismissal. Alcaraz, reached in substitution of Paco Jemez was the one who started the season as coach of Granada.

Alcaraz true balance is, It was not to launch rockets 4 victories, 6 draws and 14 defeats. But if that was not the less rare dismiss a technician who had renovated a few months ago, He puts the club as coach Tony Adams, legendary former Arsenal player with no coaching experience in a case very similar to Valencia CF lived in last year with Gary Neville. Things of modern football.

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