Matthew Le Tissier, a legend of the English League

Matthew Le Tissier, una leyenda de la Liga inglesa
For Le Tissier has more merit if it fits the remaining players on the roster and the player English, He never left the Southamptom, a set that far from being pointer at the time and winning titles, he was a serious candidate for relegation always. However, and despite being coveted by half of Europe and the greats of English football, love never changed his shirt more pounds or more titles. Le Tissier as himself said: "Play in a great team and win titles but is a nice challenge to play against them and beat them it is more". FOTO: The Sun

Last update 29 June, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Matthew Le Tissier played his entire professional career at Southampton. The great English player was one of those players who could have gotten much higher but did not, but it was not for extra sports reasons, but for a case increasingly difficult to see in professional football, by fidelity to a few colors.

Matthew Le Tissier, one of the ‘One Club Men’

The talented English footballer was as we have said, one of those ‘One Club Men‘ but with much more merit because he did not spend his entire career in a winning team but in his Southampton, a club that was more accustomed to fighting for the descent by the high positions of the league. During 15 seasons, He defended the same shirt, where he scored more than 200 more goals 500 parties.

Le Tissier el goleador modesto
Matthew Le Tissier, the legend of Southampton PHOTO: The Sun

Nicknamed as “Le Good”, the great player born in Guernsey, an island located in the English Channel and which became sadly known for being the place where the plane that transported the footballer Emiliano Sala crashed in January 2019. En este lugar, located between England and France, came to the world Matthew Le Tissier un 14 de octubre de 1968. Possibly he reached his best moment during the early 90's where he was the protagonist of some of the best plays ever seen in the English League., now called Premier League.

Mediapunta more forward, He had a devastating shot and a natural ability for one against one despite not being a very fast player. Technical quality, throw allowed free hits with absolute mastery and penalties. You could say that where the eye put put the ball.

Despite not playing for a big club, he became an England international

Its technical qualities were spectacular and certainly in a more powerful team had looked more and perhaps more would have gotten a prolific career. But he was so good that despite not playing in a big, Matthew Le Tissier lbequeathed to become international with England in 8 occasions but with the national team he failed to show even half of its potential.

Some of Matthew Le Tissier's best plays and goals

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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