Messi calls on their networks that finding can not stop Emiliano Sala

Messi pide en sus redes que no se suspenda la búsqueda de Emiliano Sala
Leo Messi calls seeking not stop Room. FOTO: Instagram Leo Messi

Last update 26 January, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

ThePolice announced Guernsey 24 January definitive suspension of search the plane he was traveling the Argentine footballer. Ante esta situación,  Leo Messi, calls in their social networks that finding is not suspended Emiliano SalaBarcelona star joins other players and thousands of people under the hasthag #PrayforSala ask that the case can not leave like that.

The area authorities decided to suspend indefinitely the search for Hall

Tras 3 days of searching and finding no indication of the whereabouts of the plane, The Argentine player and the pilot, la Guernsey police decided to suspend work tracking definitively.

“The chances that have survived at this time are extremely remote. The last plane in search of the lost aircraft has already landed. Although we are no longer actively seeking, the incident remain open indefinitely and ordered all ships and planes passing through the area to be alert if they see any other”, Police ruled in his statement.

Leo Messi strongly that the search for Emiliano Sala can not stop asking

“While there are possibilities, a thread of hope, We ask you to pleasedo not stop searching for Emiliano. All my strength and support to family and friends” Leo Messi wrote on his “Instagram Stories”. Family Room has announced that it will continue to search for the Argentine forward by private boats.

Leo Messi pide que no se suspenda la búsqueda de Emiliano Sala
Messi asked to search for Emiliano Sala can not stop and su "Instagram Stories". FOTO: Instagram Leo Messi

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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