Five moments in the history of Classic

Cinco momentos en la historia del Clásico
Luis Enrique with Real Madrid shirt. FOTO: Brand

Last update 3 February, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Real Madrid-Barcelona, Barcelona-Real Madrid, the call now Classic, the umpteenth game of the century although they play every year at least twice although they are always more. Like in hanging for football we like to remember things that happened in the world of football, today we want to remember five moments in the history of the Classic between Barcelona and Real Madrid

1-Cow tail Romario 1994

In January 1994 Johan Cruyff's Barcelona and Real Madrid faced Benito Floro at the Nou Camp. The match was a blaugrana dancing and a steamroller with a final result 5 a 0. Sin embargo, if something is remembered that night besides the win is the spectacular Dodge that made him Romario Rafa Alkorta, the so-called cow's tail, It was simply spectacular.

momentos del clásico
Romario broke into 2 to Alkorta with cow's tail. FOTO: Brand

2-The goal of Luis Enrique in 1995 but as madridista

Luis Enrique played many seasons at Real Madrid and many classics with the white shirt. Although the Spaniard so renege published his past as white, the truth is that was there and also just a year after the classic cow's tail, Real Madrid returned the little hand Barcelona at the Bernabeu. Era enero de 1995 and the Spaniard held his both effusively, He rage without knowing that years later would become a Barcelona icon on the field and on the bench.

3-The auto goal Spasic

Spasic was a central Yugoslav then that He signed the Madrid 1990. Because of its high aspect, alopécico and something sinister face, It was labeled “Agent” Spasic at a time when the Iron Curtain was still in force. Finally it was a fiasco as madridista Central and if anything they remember is the car that got shot in the head Camp Nou in season 1990/91. That game ended 2-1 in favor of Barcelona.

4-Finger in the eye of Mourinho to Tito

En el verano de 2011 Both teams played the Supercup of Spain. In the match played at the Nou Camp, tangana fully and fairly hot tempers, the portuguese Jose Mourinho lost the papers and stuck his finger in the eye Tito Vilanova the sadly deceased under the watchful eye mustache man, which it became a classic Classic.

momentos del Clásico
Mourinho put his eye to Tito Vilanova (RIP). FOTO: Capture /Youtube

5-Las “sausages” of Giovanni

En la temporada 1997/98, specific el 1 de noviembre de 1997, Barcelona visiting the Bernabeu. The match ended 2-3 in favor of the Blaugrana But if something is remembered that game, was three cuts of manga that Brazilian Giovanni dedicated to the Bernabeu after scoring the third and final goal culé. there fell 2 it matches.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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