I do not listen to the radio or watch TV, I only look at porn

No escucho la radio ni veo la tele, sólo miro porno

Last update 14 July, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

No, We have not gone mad. The phrase, worthy of section the best quotes of football history Roberto Mancini left her press appearance. When he asked about rumors of a possible departure of Mauro Icardi Atletico Madrid, distanced Italian coach with this peculiar phrase. I came to say I was not listening or radio or TV, what surprised was his last statement: “I only see porn”.

The truth is that the Italian coach is not the first time that leaves an anecdote worth mentioning. Known for its special character we have seen stuck in a workout with a player with a very peculiar character Mario Balotelli when both agreed in the City or in his playing days Sampdoria when he tried to attack his fellow Veron because they throw you a corner as he wanted.

He according counted own Veron: “I threw a corner and he told me that next time try to throw the ball higher. In that moment, I do not know why, I felt bad and rebuked. Entonces, when I entered the locker room he was waiting for me. I wanted trompear. It's more, the shirt was removed and he was ready to fight like we were kick boxers”.

At other times we saw him kiss the ground. It happened in the matches against Frosinone where he went headfirst to the ground while trying to hit a ball against Genoa where he suffered a hit to the head that knocked him also. Definitely a peculiar type.

Mancini acabó ante el Genova en el suelo de un pelotazo.
Mancini ended against Genoa on the floor of a pitch.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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