Oliver Kahn, one of the best goalkeepers in history

Oliver Kahn, uno de los mejores porteros de la historia
Oliver Khan, one of the best goalkeepers in history. FOTO: Wikipedia

Last update 10 March, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Oliver Kahn está considerado uno de los mejores porteros de la historia. And is not for less, because this German giant (1.88 cm) He noted for being a quick cancerbero, agile, a truly spectacular and intimidating presence for opponents. Its beginnings were in the Karlsruhe, your natal city (1969), where debut in 1987, although it was not until 1990 when you really do with a place in the starting XI.

Oliver Kahn, the goalkeeper of that Karlsruhe who thrashed for 7 a 0 to Valencia

In the German club would have a prominent role, especially in the UEFA Cup 1993-94, when the team reached the semifinals after landing Valencia after a historical 7-0 in Germany. Ese mismo año 94, Kahn would be signed by Bayern Munich, giving a qualitative leap to his career and rising to stardom inevitably (that year was also named goalkeeper of the year in Germany). That would also help, their progressive participation in the German team.

Con el Bayern, titles would not wait. A UEFA Cup 1996 at the expense of defeat Girondins de Zidane in the final and a league title in 1997 they began to sow the Kahn myth. Everything seemed to go off without a hitch for a goalkeeper in 1999 he would suffer his greatest sporting failure. Having won league and cup and be willing to make a historic treble, Kahn looked like two final minutes of English arreón, Manchester United snatched the possibility of the Triple Crown at the Camp Nou.

Oliver Kahn sufrió el varapalo más duro de su carrera en la final de 1999.
Kahn suffered the hardest blow of his career at the end of 1999. FOTO: Brand

Possibility would avenge surplus, two years later at the Giuseppe Meazza, stopping the decisive penalty in the final against Valencia and winning for the first and only time in his career Champions. Title that would complete the Intercontinental finals and the Bundesliga. The recognition of the trajectory of that year was spectacular and Oliver Kahn was named best goalkeeper in Europe and the World, besides best player in the Bundesliga.

Oliver Kahn le detuvo el penalti decisivo a Mauricio Pellegrino en la final de Champions de 2001.
Kahn stopped the decisive penalty Mauricio Pellegrino in the final of Champions 2001. FOTO: Brand

The World Cup in Korea and Japan, the best of his career

En 2002, It enshrines it again in a big event, World Cup in Korea and Japan, where the doorman take his team to the finals and be also achieved a number of unbeaten matches until Ronaldo batiera him at the last meeting twice. No obstante, the work of Oliver Kahn did not go unnoticed and managed to be chosen the best goalkeeper of the championship, having being granted this award for the first time a footballer.

Tras el Mundial, his performance dropped significantly, although nevertheless he was summoned for the Eurocopa 2004 y el Mundial 2006 played in his country, where yet, Jens Lehmann would take away the starting position under the sticks. In August of 2008 He puts an end to his career with a friendly between Bayern Munich and selection.

Oliver Kahn ante Ronaldo en el Mundial de 2002.
Kahn to Ronaldo in the World 2002. FOTO: Brand

Either way, the race of Oliver Kahn will go down in history as one of the most successful and spectacular in remembrance for a goalkeeper. eight Bundesliga titles, six German cups, a UEFA Cup, a Champions, una Intercontinental, four times best goalkeeper in Europe and three in the world adorn their extensive list.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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