Pep Guardiola, a step of breaking a Spanish curse

Pep Guardiola, a un paso de romper una maldición española

Last update 12 March, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

Pep Guardiola has before him this spring to achieve an unprecedented milestone in the history of Spanish football: for a Spaniard to win one of the five major European leagues. If nothing remedies the former coach of FC Barcelona could become the first man born in Spanish territory to impose himself from the bench in the Bundesliga in his 50 years of history.

Doing so Guardiola would break the mold in Germany, because neither Italy, neither France nor England have ever been crowned by Spanish technicians. En la Premier, Rafa Benítez came to place second at Liverpool and was about to get the long-awaited Premier with which they sigh at Anfield.

In Italy, once again Rafa Benítez is on a mission to achieve a milestone that not even Luis Suárez achieved with Inter. A more than difficult challenge for the Madrid coach, given that it seems difficult for Juventus to give up command of Serie A.

Guardiola aspira a ser el primer español en ganar una gran liga como entrenador.
Guardiola aspires to be the first Spaniard to win a great league as a coach.

Nor does France escape this curse of Spanish coaches without savoring the honeys of success in the major European leagues.. It is true that Luis Fernández, natural of Tarifa, won the league 1 en 1994, but the man from Cádiz has always been considered one more French in the neighboring country.

Evidently France, Italia, Germany or England escape the dominance of a Spanish coach does not mean that everything is equivalent in the rest of Europe. Portugal and especially, Greece know what it is to crown a Spanish Mister. Germany, it seems that soon he will know.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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