Pique and Spain, a coming relationship unless

Piqué y España, una relación venida a menos
The story of the cut T and its impact have ended with the patience of Piqué will leave the selection 2018. Foto: estadiodeportivo.com

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Año 2008, the Spanish selection proclaimed champion of Europe and ending a title drought that was presumed unstoppable. Además, that set led by Luis Aragones offered a game few times seen until today, and certainly long, I admired. Two guards disguised as plants became key pieces of the outline of a legend Spain.

Pero, meses más tarde, en Barcelona, and hand Pep Guardiola, I would begin a work, an ode to the sport that would break schemes and toppling beliefs. Curiously, in that FC Barcelona was also one of two plants: Puyol. Sin embargo, unlike in "La Roja", his partner would not be good for Carlos Marchena, but a young Gerard Piqué. Más tarde, and as it was evident, Puyol and Pique also form partner in the axis of the Spanish defense.

Pese a las polémicas con él, Piqué siempre ha rendido lo que ha podido en la selección española.
Despite the controversy with him, Pique has always given what has been in the Spanish selection.

Start with the absolute national team in a stadium like the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan, nothing more and nothing less than a champion of the World like England, It is not easy to forget. Sure that 11 de febrero del año 2009 always remain etched in the retina of Pique. And the relationship of this defense with Spain had an idyllic start. The player has been a symbol of a historical generation that has led our country to conquer the highest peak after leaving the winner of the World Cup in South Africa (2010), and then repeat conquest in Euro 2012. Everything was going smoothly, until the thing twisted.

In the last times, Gerard Piqué figure has been greatly diminished by certain behaviors and actions outside the green. constants messages, many of them offensive, thrown over Real Madrid, eternal rival club he serves, and some of its members and colleagues as Alvaro Arbeloa own; events in his personal life or performance slowdowns that have led him to spend time on the bench.

To this, we must add its presence in purely political acts such as the National Day of Catalonia, movement that defends the independence of that autonomous community of Spanish state, which it has resulted in an upset by most of the fans of the Spanish team. And many question the loyalty to the jersey Pique, those colors and the shield. whistles, abuse, comprehensive analysis of all and each of the central Catalan gesture during a concentration, training or international meeting, They have become a constant.

Gerard Piqué en la polémica foto durante una Diada catalana.
Gerard Pique pictured during a controversial Catalan Diada.

Already in recent months, the waters seemed calm, pero nada más lejos de la realidad. The rope that held the relationship between Pique and Ña Spanish team was very tense, and he ended up breaking. The player can not more, según él, He has lost the illusion to defend that shirt, announcing that says goodbye after the World Cup of Russia 2018. A shirt that has given him so much, and to which he also contributed making it bigger. Gerard professionalism is beyond doubt, but their behavior away from the pitch may have been the trigger for this situation, o no.

Everyone is free to think or say what you want, eso sí, without ever disrespecting anyone or anything. Piqué itself may have missed that respect, or neither. Each judge based on its principles. What is certain is that Piqué needs to Spain, and Spain need Pique. A pity that their paths diverge, though perhaps many think it is best. As I say, nobody has the absolute truth of why this break.

Todos los gestos de Piqué con España hace un tiempo que son mirados con lupa e interpretados siempre de mil formas.
All gestures Piqué Spain some time ago that are viewed with a magnifying glass and always interpreted in a thousand ways.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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