Premier League 2013/14: the best and worst of the season

Premier League 2013/14: lo mejor y lo peor de la temporada
El mejor resumen de la Premier 2013/14. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Colorín colorado the Premier League 2013/14 se ha acabado. Turns out that was the color that dominated throughout the year but the competition final, red turned light blue. Manchester City and Liverpool kept a fateful fight for the Premier League until the last day, scoring both more than 100 goles. La regularidad final y el buen juego ofrecido por los Citizens significó el titulo por cuarta vez en su historia y segunda en los últimos tres años.

Rodgers's men who dazzled Europe with their colorful and vertical football throughout the season, they suffered a significant drop in the last games and saw how the possibility of breaking the longest drought in their history vanished in the most cruel way, 24 years add up without winning the Premier. This way, Chilean Pellegrini's team, the only one capable of keeping Anfield's trail until the end, champion was proclaimed taking advantage of Liverpool's final punctures.

Pellegrini lleva al City hasta el campeonato

A) Yes, Manuel Pellegrini escribe su nombre en la historia de la Premier League como primer entrenador no europeo que logra proclamarse campeón. They will be accompanied in the top continental competition next year by Chelsea de "Mou" and Arsenal, although the latter will have to play the preliminary phase.

In the month of August the competition began and it did so with a wide range of favorites and a lot of morbid. Mourinho's return to the "blue" bench, el fichaje de Pellegrini por el City y el adiós de Sir Alex Ferguson después de toda una vida en el Manchester United. Three teams that at that time were clear favorites along with Arsenal and Liverpool. Sin embargo, it was the latter that started like a rocket.

Those of Wegner could not hold out with the best until the end, more when City and Chelsea began to sing Sunday after Sunday. Finally, the other Liverpool team, Spanish Roberto Martínez's Everton came close to stealing fourth place after a really good year. They were the revelation team of the championship, although we cannot forget the great year also made by Southampton, with Pochettino to send. Another London team, The Tottenham Hotspur, will accompany Everton in the Europe League.

Unfortunately, failure goes hand in hand with success.. The joys of some become sorrows for others, and in this case Fulham, Cardiff and Norwich are the teams that have not been able to achieve permanence.

Once ideal de la Premier League 2013/14 para Colgadosporelfutbol:

Once de la Premier
dream bench:

Cech, Lovren, Azpilicueta, Erikssen, Paulinho, Omen, Silva, Bony

The disappointment:

With total security we can endorse this qualifier to Manchester United. A team full of stars that saw in David Moyes the replacement for the great Alex Ferguson. The expectations created, the responsibility of replacing the best and inexperience in big clubs, surpassed the ex Everton manager.

Manchester United started with doubts to end the year in a total spin. Without knowing what to play and in no man's land in the classification, David Moyes fue cesado en la recta final de la temporada y la directiva dejó el equipo en manos del mítico galés Ryan Giggs que hizo las labores de técnico-jugador hasta el final de la campaña. A year to forget at Old Trafford.

Regarding proper names, there are several who have not lived up to what was expected of them; Soldier, Fellaini, Negredo, Eto´o, Lamela or Mourinho could be the greatest exponents of failure this year in the Premier League.

The revelation:

Sin lugar a dudas, this honor must go to Everton. A team well worked by their coach Roberto Martínez. The quick adaptation to the club by him, and the ease to assimilate Spanish football by the players have been key in the future of the season. A team that put the great teams of the championship on the ropes and was about to sneak into the Champions League with its lucid attacking game and defensive seriousness worthy of the great teams.

There are several that could be found here, but without naming great stars like Luis Suarez, Hazard o Yaya Toure, we can name soccer players like; Lovren, Lallana, Jay Rodriguez and Lambert (Southampton), Wilfred Bony(Swansea), Barckley y Coleman(Everton), Sterling (Liverpool), and coaches like Brendan Rodgers or Roberto Martínez.

With the championship decided and the season over, It's time to enjoy the long-awaited vacation, although in some cases they are more deserved than in others. Be that as it may, la gran mayoría volverá en julio con sus equipos para comenzar otra temporada con ilusión y baterías nuevas. Meanwhile, do not forget, football does not stop and less in "Colgados". The World Cup is just around the corner and stars from every corner of the planet meet in Brazil. The holidays for them will still have to wait.

PD: We leave you the summary of the cartoon premiere.

Alberto Marrodan

Other football specialist, that few people know in You can also follow me on @mohikanno
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