Sir Alex Ferguson, the man who changed the history of Manchester United

Sir Alex Ferguson, el hombre que cambió la historia del Manchester United
Sir Alex Ferguson changed United's history. In fact, everything was very different for the worse since his retirement. FOTO:

Last update 8 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Sir Alex Ferguson managed Manchester United none other than 27 años. The Scot retired after nearly three decades as coach with more years in the same club. but Ferguson ( Glasgow, 31 from December to 1941), not only highlighted why, but as the man who changed the essence of the legendary English club.

All Sir Alex Ferguson's titles at Manchester United

Translated into numbers, Manchester United won more titles during 27 seasons with Ferguson than in his history prior to his arrival. En concreto, until the signing of the Scotsman in 1986 United had won; 7 English league, 9 Community, 7 FA Cup y 1 Copa de Europa, now called Champions. En total, the English club had 24 titles in its long history.

The arrival of Sir Alex Ferguson en los 80 He changed the mentality and history of the English club to become one of the best teams in the world. Since taking control of the United, the club won; 13 Suspenders, 10 Community, 5 FA Cup, 4 League Cup, 1 Mundialito of clubs, 1 Intercontinental, 2 Champions, 1 Cup Winners' Cup and two European Super Cups. Everything in total 39 titles that make him the most successful technician in the history of the ‘Red Devils‘.

A legacy beyond titles

Sir Alex Ferguson not only did history change in terms of titles and became one of the coaches with the most titles in history, so did his transfer policy. Under his leadership and supervision, United released a number of top-level players such as Ryan Giggs y Paul Scholes, Steve Bruce, Eric Cantona, Peter Smcheichel, David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo o Wayne Rooney among others. He was the father of that famousto class 92 del United.

He was also the football father of Cristiano Ronaldo. The Portuguese arrived at Old Trafford as a teenager back in 2003 and with Sir Alex Ferguson, He became one of the best players in the world. Remembered that Manchester United de 2008 who won the Premier and the Champions with the Portuguese being the Ballon d'Or.

Man of strong character, durante 27 years either never shied away from confrontation and dialectic never ever cut when stating what I thought. He was able to say with confidence and without blushing phrases like : “If an inch higher (Gary Neville) It would be the best center in Britain. His father measures 6 pies 2 are inches- I would ask the milkman ... "or" Madrid, Franco Club, He getting what he felt like ".

United have never been what they were since their retirement

With its withdrawal a 8 de mayo de 2013, a los 71 años, left the United bench orphaned, so much so that they still haven't managed to find the key many years later, but possibly the time had come to give way to younger people. He said goodbye to big, winning the Premier. Whatever happens, Sir Alex Ferguson He will always be at the top as the man who changed the history of Manchester United.

Sir Alex Ferguson
His legacy is so great that he even has a statue at Old Trafford. FOTO:

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


One thought on “Sir Alex Ferguson, the man who changed the history of Manchester United

  1. Ferguson fucker, Franco was shown and Madridista. Sir has what I Cristiano, the desire.

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