Peter Schmeichel, the second best goalkeeper in history

Peter Schmeichel, el segundo mejor portero de la historia

Last update 26 June, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

There are many who consider Peter Schmeichel the second best goalkeeper in history, just behind Lev Yashin. Alto, safe, sobrio, strong and goalkeeper great reflexes, the goal of Manchester United and the Danish national team for many years was well covered by this giant 1.91 who used to like to wear XXXL t-shirts and one of the best Danish players ever.

Peter Schmeichel, the danish giant

Nacido en Happy scissors en 1963, very few they are those who know that his father was Polish and up 1970, he retained that nationality. Or that even the 24 años, when he signed for Brondby, he devoted himself to combine football with other jobs (textile factory, nursing home, World Nature Fund or advertising companies). And it is that life was never simple for Schmeichel. After debuting with 8 years with the team in his neighborhood, Høje-Gladsax, which then merge in Gladsaxe-Hero BK. In the latter Svend Aage group would meet Hansen, a vital coach for which would become a “second father”, He never better then marries his daughter.

A preliminary step upon arrival at Hvidovre, donde Peter Schmeichel would establish himself as the great Danish goalkeeper of the moment, which would lead him to 24 years to be signed by the great country team, el Brondby. With the team from the capital, his career would hit a qualitative leap that would highlight internationally, enough to debut with the national team in May 1987 and be Denmark's starting goalkeeper in the Eurocopa de 1988.

Schmeichel era capaz de volar para para una pelota.
Schmeichel was able to fly to for a ball. PHOTO GOOGLE

Manchester United legend

With Brondby win four league titles and manage to reach the semifinals of the UEFA in his final year at the club, el 91, Roma get where only defeat thanks to a goal in the last minute of the second leg. Its good performance under the posts and security and character imprimía the rest of his companions led him to be hired by a large, Manchester United would pay 505.000 pounds for his services, figure that Sir Alex Ferguson later qualified as the “deal of the century”.

Old Trafford and “red devils” would enjoy up 1999 of the great years of Peter Schmeichel. There is consolidated as “Best goalkeeper in the world” en 1992 y 1993 and get carve a track record with five leagues, 3 FA Cups, 1 Copa de la Liga, 1 UEFA Super Cup and Champions League, that achieved in that memorable final 1999 en Barcelona, where Manchester achieve back from two goals in the last two minutes of the game to Bayern already seen with the Cup in their showcases.

Además, leave pictures to remember, like that goal against Rotor Volgograd in one of his famous uploaded to finish off a corner, or his famous vomited in the middle of a match after observing a broken leg of a player Coventry City, David Bust. En total 292 Manchester games where the goal to get hold 0 in more than 140, a spectacular record.

Peter Schmeichel también era capaz de marcar goles.
Schmeichel was also able to score goals. FOTO: Brand

Sin embargo, his great sporting success would not come to the United, but with his selection. He is the player more international caps for his country (129), the Eurocup 92 won by Denmark would bring him his greatest joy in Sweden in a pitch. Holiday he learned that Denmark would replace Yugoslavia at the finals of the European. And he did not spare the occasion, Holland and Germany witnessed as a team unprepared but with an exceptional goalkeeper could break all the molds seen so far in football.

Come on flattery, a saga of goalkeepers

En 1999, Peter Schmeichel, you tired of struggling would retire to a second tier team, if it can be considered to Sporting Lisbon. With the Lusitanian would dispute 55 games and get a new league. Sin embargo, his step was sporadic since in 2001 back to England to play for Aston Villa (where you'd get the first goal of a goalkeeper in the Premier), last team prior to step, el Manchester City, where his son was and where he would retire in 2003 to make way for his son Kasper Schmeichel, Premier champion with Leicester and Denmark's goalkeeper in tournaments as important as the Mundial de Rusia 2018 y la Eurocopa 2021. The saga continues.

Kasper Schmeichel y Peter
Kasper and his father Peter Schemichel with the Denmark national team shirt. FOTO: As

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


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