President of a golf club down and hits the referee

Presidente de un club baja al campo y le pega al árbitro
President Real Potosí came down to attack the referee of the match that his team played against Guabirá. Foto: Captura / Twitter @lozaliniker

Last update 4 June, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Professional football in some countries is becoming a source of embarrassment. If you do not much We watched as the president of PAOK Salonika down to by the referee in the middle of a Greek league match, armed with a pistol, to force a referee not to give a goal, now we have another episode as ridiculous as lamentable.

It happened in Bolivia, in a match where they played to qualify for the Copa Sudamericana, the South American continent Europa League, where another president of a club, down to the field to atizarle the match referee. Guabirá and Real Potosí faced in the match playoff to qualify for the second international competition in South America, when the referee of the match, expelled four players from Potosí.

In a monumental tangana, Gutierrez as they call him the president of Real Potosi, He took to the field and hit José Jordán,  referee of the meeting, police having to intervene to avoid greater evils. The match had to be suspended in the 83, Guabirá qualified and the referee had to leave escorted to prevent the rout. Certainly regrettable.

Real Potosi, It was founded in 1988 for Real Madrid fan, so the shield of the Bolivian club has many similarities with the white club.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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