Can I wear contact lenses to play soccer??

¿Puedo usar lentes de contacto para jugar futbol?
Can you play football with contact lenses?? FOTO:

Last update 9 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Contact lenses have become a great resource for all those people who suffer from certain types of visual problems.. In fact, have allowed to carry out many actions with greater comfort, including sports.

Surely many times you have exercised or practiced a sport, such as football, with some fear when wearing your glasses, since there is always the fear of a break, drop, etc. This situation disappears when wear contact lenses. There are many athletes who compete with what are known as 'contact lenses' and who have not seen their performance harmed, sino más bien lo contrario.

No obstante, It should also be noted that contact lenses require certain care and precautions if we use them frequently when playing sports..

Beneficios de usar lentes de contacto en el fútbol

El uso de lentes contacto tiene múltiples beneficios a la hora de practicar deportes o realizar ejercicio físico como el fútbol.

El primero, and most important of all, is that it is a great help when it comes to mitigating or correcting the visual deficiency of the person. On the other hand, provides greater comfort and quality than if we used any type of glasses.

Además, and these are already much more specific, contact lenses provide better peripheral vision and contribute to protection from ultraviolet rays (UV). Sin embargo, These two aspects mentioned are very relevant when practicing sports as specific as football..

This discipline is played in large spaces, where such peripheral vision is key for the player to master all aspects of the game. Also, Being an outdoor sport, it is crucial to protect yourself properly from the action of the sun's rays..

Soccer players who wear contact lenses

It is well known that in high-level football there are many players who use contact lenses. David De Gea, goalkeeper for Manchester United and the Spanish national team, It is one of them. To this list we can add names like Balotelli or Boateng.

In other sports we find the case of a great champion such as the Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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