What are Over/Under bets?

¿Qué son las apuestas Over/Under?
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Last update 19 November, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

If what you want is to become an ace in sports betting, it is imperative that you know about all the available markets to display your skills.. And it is that in the world of sports betting you can find many ways to make a profit.

It is because of this that today we are going to talk about one of the most classic forms of betting., but it is still one of the best ways to bet, whether you are a beginner or have already been in this fantastic world for a long time, Over/Under bets.

The first thing to keep in mind is that Over means “above” and Under means “below”., Thus we would have a bet for "above" or "below" the quota that the bookmaker is offering. Let's see it more clearly with an example: suppose we make an Over bet 1,5 goles, encima de 1,5 goles, It means that if the game ended with two goals or more we would take the bet and if it was less than 1 we would lose. It's super easy, but a very good strategy to make a profit!

What sports allow Over/Under bets?

As in the Latin American market, the king of sports is football, in Over/Under bets football is guaranteed its first place place. Although this is not limiting, since this type of bets can be used in a wide variety of sports disciplines. Let's see how we can use Over/Under betting in some of the most common sports:

ü Fútbol: As we have said, Over/Under bets are to soccer as fish are to water. The most used quota in soccer is the number of goals by which a team wins or also the total sum of the goals of the match.

ü Basketball: This type of bet is also common in basketball thanks to the dynamism of the scoreboard in matches of this sport. Here we can bet on the total sum of the match points, points in the middle of the game, points made in any room.

ü Boxing: To use Over/Under betting in boxing you can test with the probability of the number of rounds that will be fought that night..

ü Volleyball: Here we can bet on the number of sets that will be played or up to the final total number of points. Will it be more or less than the quota?

The diversity of sports in which Over/Under bets can be used, make them a perfect complement to improve our betting strategies.

Variants of odds in Over/Under bets

Over/Under bets are essentially the same, only that there is a small change in the operation depending on the quota with which it is played, that is to say, if we use odds with decimals or whole number odds.

Over/Under bets with decimal odds

This is the most common way to bet, since with the decimals the possibility of having a tie in the match is obviated. This is why decimals are used as the cap for the sum of the result.. Suppose we have a football match with a price stipulated in 3,5 goals and we made the Over bet 3,5, with this bet we will have two possible results: we win if the match ends with four or more goals and we lose if the match ends with 3 at least goals.

Over/Under bets with full odds

Ahora, what if we have odds with exact values? Bueno, this is where the difference lies. Suppose we have an integer quota 2,0 for our Over/Under bet, then end the game 2-1, 1-0 even 3-2 the bet would be resolved and we would win or lose depending on our choice. Pero, and finish 1-1 o 2-0? In this case we would be facing a null bet, so the amount we bet is returned to us.

Over/Under bets are only effective when the results are above or below the odds offered by the bookmaker, and if the marker is on the same line of the quota the bet becomes null.

Tips for Over/Under bets

as we have seen, Over/Under betting is a simpler form of betting. Although simple, it is always important to have a strategy to make the most of them, That is why we bring you a series of tips so that you can develop a winning game strategy..

  • Make friends with statistics: When you bet statistics are your best friend. There you will find all the information you need to succeed, If you examine this data well, you can make true predictions for your bets.. We recommend the statistics of Casasdeapuestas365.com because they have the analysis of experts in the field of sports betting.
  • No Over/Under in classics: The classics are strong matches with a strong tendency to draw, or on the contrary they can have a very high score. The strong tendency to be unpredictable matches is a good idea to place Over/Under bets here.
  • Analyze the equipment separately: Regardless of the sport in which you use it, It is important to study each team individually. De esta forma, you can have a better management of the odds to which you can or cannot bet.

Over/Under bets are one of the easiest ways to start betting, but they can also be the perfect complement for more experienced bettors. Even if they are simple, it is always important to follow the above tips to succeed. happy betting!

football hung

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