Robert Carmona, the oldest active player in history

Robert Carmona, el jugador más veterano en activo de la historia
Robert Carmona Guiness his title as oldest active player. Foto: Viewer

Last update 28 March, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

In the world of professional football players we are excellent, despite age, They remain active and such a good level as any of his younger peers. Examples as Puyol, Raul and Xavi show that in football not only has room for the kids between 18 y 25 años, but players 30 and so many years can still give good performance.

If we take that to the extreme we find Robert Carmona, a Uruguayan footballer who plays for Inter Ibiza, a young team on the island created by a football fan who wants to lead his team to the best Spanish league. What is striking about Carmona is that with their 55 years still active, three times beating the Guinness record as the oldest player with active.

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Robert Carmona their 55 years made a guy with the shirt of Inter Ibiza.

The player has a longevity record in the second and third Uruguayan division, in which he has gone through more than 28 teams throughout his career. On the computer where he debuted, Sugar Loaf Uruguay, He played in the year 1979, and he returned to play 40 años después, en 2015. "I played with the grandson of one of the players who played with me in the 80s" jokes.

Coming from the Canadian, Uruguayan second division team, Carmona is very pleased with the opportunity extended by the Inter Ibiza, with which sees the possibility of opening a new stage in his career. El Inter, which it is in ascent phase for the third Spanish division, He believes the veteran player can bring new ideas to the team that allows you to reach your target higher. Everyone who wants to follow closely this new team can travel and search car rental in Ibiza to follow them through your local travel as they ascend to Third Division.

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Robert Carmona poses happy with the shirt of Inter Ibiza on arrival to the island. Foto:

Con 55 años, does 4 which he surpassed the last oldest player in football history, the legendary Stanley Matthews, retired in 1966 sympathetic with age 51 años, a not simple milestone.

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