Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis
Mundialista in full maelstrom we looked back to remember were like t-shirts Champions World Cup since the first World organized and won by Uruguay in an already distant 1930. Since then, single 8 countries have won the World Cup so precious. Thanks to a study we were able to collect all the shirts they used these selections to win each of his trophies.
PERIOD 1930-1974
Five countries were able to win the World Cup in this period, más del 50% of total winners. And at this time we can see the evolution in 44 years T-Shirts. In fact between 1930 y 1934 and we can clearly see how the World Champion T-shirt and fashion had changed and had modernized drastically. We can also see how in the early 70 They came the first brands to mundialistas sheepskins.
PERIOD 1978-2014
Among the early 70 and the times, three more countries joined the list of world champions (Argentina, France and Spain) and we could find clear changes in the design and designs shirts.
But what they have in common the winning shirts in the history of World?, Can you imagine guess the winner of this World Cup of Russia 2018 based on all these shirts we've seen?. According to three basic features: the color, the type of neck and stamping, in this infographic they have determined statistically 5 equipment that could position themselves as victors.No doubt you will be surprised percentages and the resulting countries.