Is sports betting the only way to make money thanks to your passion for soccer??

¿Son las apuestas deportivas la única manera de ganar dinero gracias a tu pasión por el fútbol?

Last update 29 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

He fútbol es un deporte que levanta pasiones todo el mundo, not for nothing is it known as the beautiful sport. Beyond your love of this sport, What chance do you have of getting some money from football?

A continuación, we throw you a series of ideas that can be of great help. None of them turn out to be an easy road, but if it really is your passion, maybe it's worth a try.

Sports bets

Las sports bets están pegando fuerte en todo el mundo. The growth of this activity is being exponential, and this is not happening only in Spain. Bets are the perfect complement to sport, since they add an extra emotion to the meetings that are difficult to give up.

Los football gambling games experimentan grandes picos de participación cuando se celebran competiciones como las que están teniendo lugar estos días: the Eurocup and the America's Cup. At times like this, bettors can go to portals such as where they can find information on the main bookmakers with which they can make their winning moves, although it should be noted that there is no way to ensure successful betting.

Youtube Channel

Youtube es un canal inagotable de contenido de valor y de conocimiento. It is true that it is a platform that also abounds with videos that have neither head nor tail, but in it you can find a lot of relevant information about football.

And in the same way that you can find content that interests you, You can also use YouTube to show everything you know and create videos that attract thousands of users. Making yourself known as an expert can bring you a good financial reward, ya sea monetizing the channel a través de propio Youtube como mediante publicidad o creando una cuenta en Patreon, a subscription platform in which your followers pay a certain amount of money to support your content.

Getting money from YouTube is not easy, but it's something that, if you work it out and you know how to do it, it will bring you good money.

Affiliate website

Las affiliate websites son páginas web que cuentan con un alto volumen de visitas y en las que aparecen una serie de enlaces a productos que los visitantes pueden comprar. De cada compra que se realice a través del enlace colocado en la affiliate website, the owner of the website takes a percentage that is usually around 10%.

Así que, if you create a football-themed website, whether it's news, signings, tactic, advice, opinión… y consigues recibir una buena amount of traffic, you can create an affiliate website and earn passive income every month, pero, claro, the difficulty lies in getting thousands of people to visit your website daily.

Football coach

¿Has soñado alguna vez con convertirte en football coach? You should know that it is a dream that is available to anyone. Coaching a team is relatively easy, the difficult thing is to train prestigious teams and reach the main divisions, something to be worth and for what, In most occasions, it is necessary to have a sponsor, with someone who allows you to take the right steps.

De todas formas, even if you don't get to the big categories of national football, Yes, it is more feasible to charge something for training —even if it is little—, but you must be aware that it is a long process and that it may end in nothing.

football hung

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