The player who will spend their holidays in a refugee camp

El futbolista que pasará sus vacaciones en un campo de refugiados

Last update 26 January, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Can you imagine a professional footballer spending your holiday in a refugee camp? Well not imagine that there. It is the young midfielder Barcelona B, David Babunski. A decision that could surprise all and sundry as it is difficult to see someone, especially a professional football make such a decision. Even if history and profile of David Babunski known things change.

Son of footballer, They babunski his father Boban played in teams like Spain Logrones and Lleida. The Macedonian, he moved to Barcelona where his two sons grew up, David and Dorian. One ended up in the quarry of Barcelona and the other in Real Madrid. But David's story goes beyond football.

Los hermanos Babunski.
The brothers Babunski.

He is a young man who sees life from another point of view. Por ello, believe where if you enter on the web, you are greeted with phrases like “Unleash your inner source of unlimited power” o “Happiness is something you choose to be”. In the same David himself is defined as “Human being, Footballer and Creator of Skyself”.

It is certainly the least curious to see how many young players and with less merit than Babunski choose another life or thinking while such a young guy like Macedonian, distills that way of being so, say spiritual. That and that way of thinking, the good Babunski has decided to move with his brother and several friends, Christmas holidays in Macedonia, his native country.

Guardiola dando instrucciones a Babunski en su etapa en el Barcelona.
Guardiola instructing Babunski in his time at Barcelona.

Something that would be normal if not because it will not heat a home but in a refugee camp near the border, the way that many refugees used to flee the horror of places like Syria, Iraq or Lebanon. Without a doubt, a peculiar type far from the carefree and millionaire kid who predominates in professional football..

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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