Tito Vilanova announced that Barcelona will continue to coach next season

Tito Vilanova anuncia que continuará siendo entrenador del Barcelona la próxima temporada
Tito Vilanova announced that Barcelona will continue to coach next season

Last update 26 April, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

“I feel eager and strong to continue next season”, said Tito Vilanova in his first press conference after returning from New York where he spent two months treating his illness. Despite the fact that he has already been sitting on the Barça bench for a few games, Until today he had not appeared before the media and his communication to the press could not have been more emphatic..

Your state: “I feel very good after the process I have gone through. I have not come before because the treatment had side effects. But every day I feel better. “I wanted to train and be in this press room”.

Day by day and next season: “There was a distance problem. In New York I have been up to date. I have tried to help on the day although I have not been in contact with the players thanks to new technologies. Regarding my continuity, I feel strong and eager to continue next season. At no time have I thought about leaving. When I have two days off, I'm getting bored. “This is my life and I don't feel any pressure.”.

Fin de ciclo: “They say it all the time.. In high competition, like the League or the Champions, winning is always very difficult. Barça achieved it for three years. In the past we did not win the League or the Champions League. If we win that League we will win a title again and we would add four in the last five years. This is going to be unrepeatable. We have reached the semi-finals in the Champions League six times., a record that I think we will not be able to achieve next year. "I don't think there is an end to the cycle.".

Comeback against Bayern: “We are Barça and we play at home. It would not be credible to say that we are going to come back, but our obligation is to compete and be able to win. Maybe we scored two goals in the first half and we don't know what will happen next. Bayern created a great atmosphere with its fans and let's see if we repeat it. "I don't feel like throwing in the towel.".

Self-management: “If there was, There are great coaches in there., because we agreed on the changes. Oh really, What has happened in this club is very complicated. I would have decided any decision of the club. You have to be happy with these players, that have left us in a great position in the League and have taken us to the Champions League semi-finals. We must thank the staff”.

Planning for next year: “We haven't changed anything.. I have a very clear plan and I have a very clear idea of ​​the players who could arrive.. Everything is the same as it was two or three months ago and nothing has changed due to the results. “The locker room reacted very well after the defeat the other day.”.

What doesn't work: "You can always improve, even when you win 4-0. En Liga, the season is excellent. It is the strongest competition, despite what you may think after the two recent games (the Spanish-German double duel)”.

Guardiola: “We have been close friends since we were little., from La Masia, But it is true that with distance, relationships cool down.”.

San Mamés: “I'm sure the atmosphere in the new one will be spectacular.”. That environment is made by people, not the fields”.

Abidal: “We are talking about a special situation. We cannot know how he will recover from the efforts. The other day it was at a very high level, but we have to see how it is restored every three days. He is a very good player for Barcelona, in any case".

Víctor Valdés: "I have not talked with him. He didn't talk about not being here next year, but would not renew in 2014. I can't convince him of the good things about Barça because he knows it better than me.. When the campaign ends, I will talk to him and I would like to know what he thinks. In any case, “His attitude in training is spectacular and that makes me think that he would have no problem continuing next year.”.

The aliron: “In a League in which you fight against Madrid, I want to win it as soon as possible”.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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