Farewell, Tito!

¡Hasta siempre, Tito!

Last update 25 April, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

To the 45 años, cancer has ended the life of Tito Vilanova. That enemy that separated him for a time from the Blaugrana bench has finally defeated him after a hard fight. Gone is an impeccable professional and personal career. Father of two children, Tito signed with Barcelona the best start in the history of the club and of a Spanish team in the League and allowed himself the luxury of reaching the 100 points. From Colgados por el Fútbol we pay tribute to him with some of his best images:

Su carrera empezó en el Barcelona B, donde estuvo entre 1988 y 1990.
His career started at Barcelona B, where was between 1988 y 1990.
Vilanova fue un referente en el Celta durante tres años.
Vilanova was a benchmark at Celta for three years.
Guardiola y Vilanova formaron una dupla perfecta.
Guardiola and Vilanova formed a perfect pair.
El famoso dedazo de Mourinho a Vilanova.
The famous finger from Mourinho to Vilanova.
El Camp Nou se volcó con la enfermedad de Tito.
The Camp Nou overturned with Tito's disease.
Tito y Abidal compartieron la última Champions.
Tito and Abidal shared the last Champions.

Thanks Tito for your human quality.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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