All winning gold in women's football in the Olympics

Todas las ganadoras del oro en fútbol femenino en los JJOO

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

De nuevo, football returns to grab everyone's attention, being the protagonist in one of the great sporting events. This time, the scenario has been Rio de Janeiro and the Olympic Games. Germany has hung the gold medal in the discipline of women's football after beating 2-1 Sweden in a thrilling final that. De este modo, Germanic write his name in history. A story with a very recent past.

En 1996, an Atlanta, It was the first touchdown of the Olympic women's football world. Allí, the host US team was the first lucky to win the precious metal gold. After her, Argentina and Brazil, who earned silver and gold respectively.

EEUU ganó en fútbol femenino en los JJOO en Atlanta 96.
USA won in women's football in the Olympic Games in Atlanta 96.

Certainly a big step. Women's football had landed in a superb showcase, circumstance that was consolidated in the following Sydney Olympics (Australia, año 2000). On this occasion, Norway tasted amazing feeling to pull himself to the top of the podium, ahead of the United States and Germany.

Cuatro años más tarde, and in Athens, cradle of Olympism, Revalidaría United States won gold in his country after beating Brazil in the final, leaving Germany in third place. US players positioned themselves as one of the great powers, and they would do so even more after the dispute of the Olympic Games in Beijing (2008) donde, curiously, the same result was obtained in the medals table in the previous Greek quote. Y, como era de esperar, in London (2012) It was also American who made the final victory by beating Japan. Canada won the bronze.

After the recent victory at the Games, Germany, who already had three bronze medals, states as the third team that manages to embrace the gold medal in women's football with the United States (3 gold medals, the most successful country) and Norway (1 gold medal).

Las alemanas celebrando su victoria en fútbol femenino en los JJOO.
German celebrating his victory in women's football in the Olympics.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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