All Spanish League champions from 1990

Todos los campeones de la Liga española desde 1990
Tebas with the new Spanish League Champion Cup. FOTO: The vanguard

Last update 25 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Barcelona is so far the last champion of the Spanish League champions to be crowned in 2023. Algo que quizás para los más jóvenes no parece una novedad pero para los que ya gozan de cierta edad quizás si. And it sounds crazy but FC Barcelona had won only 10 links to 1990. Since then, has won 17 por 11 of Real Madrid, 3 of Atlético, 2 of Valencia and 1 del Deportivo.

These are the league champions from 1990

1990: Real Madrid
1991: FC Barcelona
1992: FC Barcelona
1993: FC Barcelona
1994: FC Barcelona
1995: Real Madrid
1996: Atlético de Madrid
1997: Real Madrid
1998: FC Barcelona
1999: FC Barcelona
2000: Deportivo de la Coruña
2001: Real Madrid
2002: Valencia
2003: Real Madrid
2004: Valencia
2005: FC Barcelona
2006: FC Barcelona2
2007: Real Madrid
2008: Real Madrid
2009: FC Barcelona
2010: FC Barcelona
2011: FC Barcelona
2012: Real Madrid
2013: FC Barcelona
2014: Atlético de Madrid
2015: FC Barcelona
2016: FC Barcelona
2017: Real Madrid
2018: Fc Barcelona
2019: FC Barcelona
2020: Real Madrid
2021: Atlético de Madrid
2022: Real Madrid
2023: FC Barcelona

It is noteworthy that without going any further, Barca won starting with reference year of the XXI century 2000/01, half of the tournaments that have been played in 23 años. If we are far behind 1990, Real Madrid was the clear dominator of the league tournament until that time entering a sort of spin or block since. In fact the whole Madrid has not won a league since 2012 when José Mourinho broke several records What will the 2017 the year that will see Real Madrid win a League?

Whites have managed to take advantage even with a game, sin embargo, with Sevilla deflating, it seems that the League will be a thing of the two ocean liners and the tournament will be decided in the final days. If you want to bet on who will be the winner of the Spanish tournament, we recommend that you look for the best odds on what they say it is “la mejor Liga del mundo” in a good betting comparator like

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