Albania wants to convene an Argentine for selection

Albania quiere convocar a un argentino para su selección
Albania has been set on the side of Belgrano for selection.

Last update 13 March, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

The Albania national football team wants to keep growing and therefore, their coach, the Italian Christian Panucci former player of Milan and Real Madrid among others, He has set his eyes in Argentine football, specifically in Thomas Guidara, Belgrano player.

His family has Albanians giving you the opportunity to be international 

Cordovan parents have lateral roots Albanian although the player has no relationship with them because he was raised by his grandparents in a very complicated situation. Now without possibly imagine, It could end up being international but not in Argentina but with a distant and small European country like Albania.

I called Panucci, el entrenador, and he is eager he can join his team” He declared the defense of Belgrano. In case of Thomas Guidara is very similar the football player now Levante on loan at Almeria, Esteban Saveljich, Argentine native of Tandil but international with Montenegro.

A very difficult way to get to professional football

their parents, They abandoned him as a child and was raised by his grandparents and going a thousand problems to the point of not being able to eat on many occasions. The player said in interviews that more than once, Matt came to dinner with stale bread.

Ahora, once in professional football, do not forget where it comes from. “When I charge, Silver took her to my grandmother. I do not want no matter what I spent“, I declare the player in an interview with Argentine newspaper Clarin. Sin duda another one of those players with a great personal story behind it.

The player does not rule out to be international with Albania

“At the moment I did not decide anything and I'm thinking with my environment, I will support any decision. Of course it makes me very happy that they can call a selection, because playing abroad would be a very nice experience”,declared Thomas Guidara al La Nacion newspaper.

The truth is that the player would have a golden opportunity if you accept to be released in Europe since Albanians are measured in the phase of classification groups for Euro 2020 teams like France, Turkey and Iceland.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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