He 2015, a good year for Tigers

El 2015, un buen año de Tigres
Tigers took the Apertura 2015 en México.

Last update 14 December, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

Tigres is the champion of the Apertura 2015 en México. Feline team that has signed a large 2015, He managed to win on penalties in the second leg rival, I point Pumas was to overcome the advantage from the first leg won by Tigres in a great match Pumas. But finally, feline fell from the end of the Tigres of Mexico.

Así celebraron los jugadores de Tigres su triunfo en la Liga MX.
Thus Tigers players celebrated their victory in the Liga MX.

Lucky I could not get in August this year when after signing a Copa Libertadores, felines were defeated in the second leg against River Plate at the Monumental stadium and stood at the gates of being the first Mexican team getting Libertadores. A bloody competition for Mexicans and the Tigers, after reinforced with high-level signings as Gignac, Aquino and Jurgen Damm, They could not win.

But despite the defeat in the final, el 2015 It was a good year for Tigers. The Tuca Ferretti, They signed a continental competition and especially after signing a high-level campus, the Mexicans, They got the blow on the table in a competition in which they did not start very well and not classified as first or as second. Aún así, and because of the unique format of Mexican short tournaments, Tigers could choose the title that has managed to win and sign a good 2015 it would have been great if they had also won the Libertadores.

Tigres rozó la gloria en la Libertadores 2015.
Tigers brushed glory in the Libertadores 2015.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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