Jesé Rodríguez, in unknown location, could be away from the Stoke City

Jesé Rodríguez, en paradero desconocido, podría ser apartado del Stoke City
I Jesé during training this season with his team (Foto: Stoke City FC)

Last update 12 April, 2018 por Javi Argudo

Jesse Rodriguez continues to talk wherever they play. The former Real Madrid, Las Palmas and PSG, who now plays for Stoke City in the Premier League, It is missing and his club meditates him away.

The canary player requested permission to the club to leave until Wednesday to visit his sick son, sin embargo, Thursday has not been presented to train with the rest of his teammates and nobody knows where it is, He asserts the English newspaper 'The Telegraph'.

All this comes amid a personal war between the player and his former partner, Ruiz Aurah, that while they are crossing quite tough messages through their accounts in social networks: “You don't have time to spend the night with your son, but to be in a nightclub room with guys drinking and smoking, you do have all the time in the world.”, she wrote in her account Instragram few days ago as published daily Marca.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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