The goal of Laudrup and Romario

El golazo de Laudrup y Romario
Laudrup and Romario's great goal went down in history in 1993. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 13 August, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

We remember that great goal by Laudrup and Romario. Back to early 90 to remember a play of those who remain forever in the retina of football fans. A masterful action performed between two stars of this sport, two artists of the ball.

That great goal by Laudrup and Romario

Era el 3 de octubre de 1993 and the match corresponded to the season 1993-94. Back then in the early 90, el Barcelona, was admired for his game of position and combination and for his devastating forward, formed by Romario, Stoichkov and the Great Dane Michael Laudrup.

Not in vain, era conocido como el “Dream Team” de Johan Cruyff for all the virtues he exhibited in his game. Además, a year earlier he had become champion of the European Cup. Opposite was a combative Osasuna, that planted a lot of battle and a very complicated scenario, nothing more and nothing less than The Sadar. But we wanted to emphasize that game is Barcelona's second goal, that it was a work of authentic art. Una genialidad.

Michael Laudrup She itched the ball with absolute mastery over the defenses health for what Romario batiera to Unzue a beautiful finish before the departure of this, great goal. See and enjoy this artwork football.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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