Pep Guardiola could be banned for three games after being sent off yesterday

Pep Guardiola podría ser sancionado con tres partidos por su expulsión de ayer
Pep Guardiola is exposed to a three-match ban after being sent off yesterday (Foto: Brand)

Last update 11 April, 2018 por Javi Argudo

Pep Guardiola was not a good night yesterday. His team, el Manchester City, It was eliminated by Liverpool after being defeated in both the leg and in the back with an overall result of 1-4. Además, the Catalan coach was ejected in the rest of the meeting and, and if that was not enough, the team they love, el FC Barcelona, It was also eliminated by Roma.

Yesterday, when players retreated to the locker room at halftime of the meeting, Coach 'Citizen’ He entered the pitch to berate the match referee, Mateu Lahoz the Spanish, the last play of the first half that ended scored his team. Pep, very nervous, He told the referee it was a legal goal and also commanded silence with a gesture taking finger to his mouth and saying: “Shut up”. Por este motivo, the coach could be banned for three matches.

Mateu Lahoz, Valencia referee, he announced the expulsion Guardiola's assistant: “Tell Pep is expelled”. Sin duda, a strained relationship between the two that comes from afar, when the Catalan heading to FC Barcelona in the Spanish League.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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