Antoine Griezmann, one of the most sought after players in the league

Antoine Griezmann, uno de los jugadores más cotizados de la Liga

Last update 14 February, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Antoine Griezmann is having the best season of his career, with eight goals he is the third highest scorer in the league. The Frenchman is by far the best Real Sociedad player at the start of the campaign, something that has not gone unnoticed by many clubs in Europe. His departure from the Real seems imminent. Brides are not lacking.

Antoine Griezmann, is to their 22 years the most decisive player of the Real Sociedad, team's top scorer with eight goals in 11 parties, equaling Barça myths like Leo Messi. His extraordinary start to the season has sparked the interest of powerful clubs across Europe. The French have got new girlfriends. If last summer Griezmann aroused the interest of Atlético de Madrid, This preseason it was Arsene Wenger who put him in the spotlight and in recent days PSG has joined the list of suitors, Monaco and Juventus in Turin. The Real Sociedad has moved tab and wants to extend the contract of Macon, but Aperribay is going to have it very complicated.

Griezmann le marcó un auténtico golazo al Lyon, club que le descartó y ahora le pretende.
Griezmann scored a real goal for Lyon, club that discarded him and now he wants.

The departure of the French, although not imminent, it is more than likely and it will be next summer, in no case in the winter market. Your starting price are 30 millions of euros, something high according to the market, but if Antoine follows this upline it might look cheap at the end of the season. Taking into account that clubs like Monaco or PSG are in the bid, suggests that the future of the French player passes through his country. Also Lyon, the club that did not love him for "Short", where he would coincide with his friend Lacazette who also thrashed in the Ligue 1.

The last rumor that is heard from San Sebastián is the possible march of the extreme to Juve. In the current television program of the Gipuzkoan group, el "White-Blue Corner", a possible offer from the "Old lady". The Italian team would be interested in the French but paying 20 millions, with Fernando Llorente as a bargaining chip to lower the cost of the transfer. It's all speculation, the movie has only just begun.

“White-Blue Corner” Program, in which the rumor about Juve's offer for Griezmann is revealed.

As for the player, It must be said in his favor that Griezmann has not only matured on the pitch, but also outside of it. When Atlético became interested in him, misguided, he let himself be loved with some explosive statements in the newspaper “L´ Team”. Now before the interest of other clubs, the French player highlighted his commitment to Real Sociedad, but even if I'm silent, the expiration date of the same expires this summer. Los "Petrodollars" they buy wills, clubs and of course players, Antoine's case will be no exception.

Griezmann está vetado por la Federación Francesa de Fútbol y su presencia en el Mundial está en el aire.
Griezmann is vetoed by the French Football Federation and his presence in the World Cup is in the air.

Assumed the bad drink of Griezmann's march, It only remains that the process is quick to plan the preseason. On the other hand, France's qualification for Brazil 2014, "In extremis" in the play-off against Ukraine, could change the plans of the realistic sports direction. Future handover could slow down, since the Real could hope that Antoine makes a good World Cup to get more cut in a possible bid for the realistic end.

Loren, sports director "white-blue ”, must move card as soon as possible. The mismanagement of the past preseason in which indecision marked the steps of the sports management after the sale of Illarramendi, first with Dos Santos and then with an untimely injury to Granero, they have left the team low. Then he tried desperately with Real Madrid Casemiro, but the player was not loaned to Real because as he has learned "Hanged", that meeting could have been to discuss a topic that we will reveal when the time comes. An unattractive winter market awaits La Real, where signing something good is a lottery. Por suerte, The San Sebastian outfit can have the natural replacement of French at home. Alain Oiartzun has stood out for Zubieta for a long time, a young man who is knocking on the doors of the first team. Without forgetting that the Real has very well covered that position with Chory Castro.

Pese a tener contrato con la Real hasta 2016, todo hace indicar de que Griezmann saldrá en verano.
Despite having a contract with the Real until 2016, Everything indicates that Griezmann will leave in summer.

For now and for this year, Real fans can continue to enjoy Antoine Griezmann. He has managed to score for five consecutive days and has surpassed historical figures of the Basque team such as Darko Kovacevic. If he scores this Saturday in Anoeta against Celta, would reach another myth of the San Sebastian team like Jhon Aldridge. Macon's future seems to be far from San Sebastián if he continues to break records, there is only one doubt. Where will he play?

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