Archie Thompson, footballer with FIFA record playing on Regional

Archie Thompson, el futbolista con un récord FIFA que juega en Regional
Archie Thompson, the player with the FIFA record playing on Regional. FOTO: YouTube capture Movistar

Last update 10 September, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

The football world gives us curious cases and transfers ‘random‘ as the case Archie Thompson by Racing de Murcia, a player who has a record FIFA international and currently plays in Preferred Regional de Murcia, the fifth category of Spanish football. An exotic signing to make matters worse, She is coached by one of those legendary coaches 90, David Vidal with almost 70 years continues to soldier on as coach of this team Murcia.

Archie Thompson scored 13 goals in an international match

Australia 31 Samoa 0 It is the international match with biggest win in history and also it has other more records such as the player who has scored more goals in an international match. In this match played the 11 de abril de 2001, Archie Thompson scored 13 goles becoming the player of history that has scored more goals in an international match. Hoy, 18 years later and almost 41 años, este australiano juega en la Regional Preferente murciana.

El show de David Vidal

Con los 40 and ribs, a few extra kilos and 23 year career spread between Australian and Belgian football, Thompson has embarked on a strange adventure in a category that is not even professional. And it does the hand of a peculiar guy like David Vidal. The Australian who does not speak any Spanish, has already seen firsthand the character of the Galician technician quirky as we saw in the report of “Day after”.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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