Cesare Prandelli sends clear message to his players: “It is a problem of attitude and personality”

Cesare Prandelli manda mensaje claro a sus jugadores: “Es un problema de actitud y personalidad”
Prandelli resigned as coach of Valencia.

Last update 9 December, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Cesare Prandelli has exploded at a news conference and has been clear and concise against players. Italy coach, Valencia coach tenth from 2012, He has launched some poisoned darts against players. El Valencia, a historic Spanish football is in a situation limit and only goal difference keeps you out of the descent, position of Sporting Gijon with the same points as those of Mestalla.

“It is a problem of attitude and personality” o “Which is not willing to give everything for the shirt you have to be out” are some of the few but precise phrases that left the Italian at the press conference after the match that Valencia will play against Real Sociedad. A party failing to win, You could leave Valencia CF in an even more complicated and dramatic situation to end the year.

“I am very angry and disappointed. I've been working two months sacrifice, pride and willingness to work and help this team. Tomorrow I want a team that will give everything for the shirt. I have never spoken the market or players or with the press. Must first show that they want to stay and play in Valencia CF. Which is not willing to give everything for the shirt you have to be out. No biggie diamond and who plays. It is a problem of attitude and personality. In the club have all worked to grow. Now players must show who wants to stay” Prandelli said visibly angry.

After this message so powerful, the Italian left the press room. We'll see if his words come to good effect.

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