How is football in Guadalajara?

¿Cómo es el fútbol en Guadalajara?

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

We do in Colgados for football a review of those Spanish provinces which unfortunately never have been able to enjoy football in First Division. Generally sparse populations, with frigid climates and in regions where there are other cities more hogging. The shift in our post today is for Guadalajara: the only province which has never even been out a professional football player for the top flight of Spanish football. O, Yeah?.

Well before entering the question raised, for many who do not know the land, I must say Guadalajara is the 78th most populated town in Spain with 84.808 habitantes. Their 708 meters turn it into a cold region, difficult access to the media because they just lie more in local institutions, more public or private entities that essential. Sin embargo, It is a dormitory town, because much of its population sleep on it thanks to 22 kilometers separating him from Alcala de Henares or 55 which is far from Madrid.

footballing, We are talking about an area with little experience in the football elite. Club Deportivo Guadalajara is the representative team of the city and the province. Play in the field of Pedro Escartín, a stadium with a capacity for 8.000 personas, that pays tribute to Madrid's former player and referee. administratively down this summer, in the last two seasons he came to tread the silver category of Spanish football for the first time in its history, after doing the same in 2007 with the Second Division B. Until that year, Guadalajara had never been able to boast a team even in the Third Division.

En el Pedro Escartín caben 8.000 espectadores.
Pedro Escartín fit in 8.000 spectators.

¿El motivo?. As we noted in Teruel, the difficulties encountered young people to continue their studies in the city once they reach adulthood and lack of facilities, cause to develop their future better prepared in other locations. Yes ok, increasingly they are putting solutions to these problems, as the initiative itself Deportivo Guadalajara, which opened in summer a scholarship program for young footballers of Guadalajara and the club's youth with a cash prize ranging from 150.000 y 180.000 seeking euros 150 talents of the area.

Something that, sin duda, You can get save that terrible reputation enjoyed by Guadalajara in the world of football and pointing it as the only Spanish province where has not born any professional player able to reach the First Division. Something not entirely accurate because Jesus Ruiz Medrano, Jesusin (natural Sacedón), Yes he played with Real Betis and Oviedo in First although in the years 30, when professionalism was not yet football, the same as was Manuel Román Ruiz, who played for Sporting in the season 1958-59, but only he played one match in Primera and not as professional.

El Guadalajara estuvo jugando dos años en Segunda.
Guadalajara was playing two years in Second.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


2 thoughts on “How is football in Guadalajara?

  1. Bueno, your sociological analysis in this paper are very poor.
    I would like to know what you base to ensure that Guadalajara is a bedroom community that has Alcalá 22 km. Just go to the statistical institutes of the two CCAA and check that Guadalajara offers more jobs Alcalá de Henares each 100 habitantes, or data Sepe to see that in the province of Guadalajara, for many years and, more employment by Madrid in Madrid are signed by from Guadalajara.
    As for college topics, Having just UAH (with campuses in Guadalajara itself over 3.000 students) a 20 kilometres (and other universities in Madrid an hour by train) It makes the vast majority need not migrate from Guadalajara to pursue higher education and do not take time to go to college than most of Madrid. I said, sociological analysis of rumors and first impressions.

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