How soccer players can deal with loneliness?

¿Cómo los jugadores de fútbol pueden lidiar con la soledad?
FOTO: Pixabay

Last update 23 April, 2021 por Alberto Llopis


Los jugadores de futbol, although they have a profession, which for many is privileged, they can feel very lonely. Despite always being surrounded by many people, por lo general, have a busy schedule between training sessions and games. This can cause emotional instability and even negatively affect the court.. Sin embargo, loneliness is not an irreversible condition and below we will teach you how to deal with it.

Spend less time alone

Aunque parezca algo evidente, to overcome loneliness the first thing you should do is spend less time alone. When the season passes and the hour of rest arrives, exhaustion can predispose to isolation. Similarly, when you have a losing streak or are under very high expectations, the pressure tends to overwhelm and isolation can be a behavior to take, you should avoid this, there are always alternatives.

Invite friends to your home or family, so that you avoid spending so much time alone. Not that you totally eliminate solo time, given that, this one can also help you overcome loneliness, is that you do not leave so much time and balance the scale.

On the other hand, It is understandable that you do not want to leave the house after a training session or when the mood is not up., for this there are the online options. With these, you can get someone to talk to in a relaxed way, no pressure or compromise. The same way, you get all kinds of encounters, romantic, dating for sex with married, if it is what you want, or with single women. No matter what your interest is, there are platforms for it, without the details and wear and tear that linking to the old can entail.

Sin embargo, as everything, a balance is important. Although using technology is a good option, it is necessary to combine it with personal activities. Online options can be helpful for lonely people may strengthen existing friendships or build new relationships. No obstante, the idea is not only to stop dating on the internet but to take them out of this.

Be more socially active

Including yourself in social activities is a good alternative to overcome loneliness. We all need these to be well and thrive. Naturally, sports activities increase relationships, the feeling of belonging, opportunities for friendships and reduce stress. Sin embargo, it is important to diversify the areas and include different trivial activities.

They do not have to be close ties to achieve positive effects. It has been proved that even the simplest relationships with acquaintances can have an excellent effect on mood. Por ello, enrolling in various activities or going out and sharing in places where there is friction with different people can be beneficial, you can:

  • Enroll in a sports activity other than soccer, which it's, It can be pleasant and beneficial for you to find yourself doing physical activity at the same time that it will allow you to connect with new people with similar interests
  • Join a reading group, actuación, singing or other interest you may have. This will help you diversify your usual environment by doing an activity of your liking.
  • Enter a course, It can be a language or even a kitchen to improve the menu in your sports diet. A) Yes, you learn something new while socializing with people and decrease your time alone.

Limit your use of social media

Although social networks can be useful to strengthen ties, their effect is controversial and some studies associate it with a greater sense of loneliness. What happens is that, isolated people tend to become very dependent on them. Even people who are not isolated, for their convenience they come to prefer online interactions over face-to-face relationships and, although there are more and more alternatives to make these contacts much more satisfactory, cannot impersonate in-person contacts.

Although these are associated with positive effects, it is important to assume an adequate use of them and to establish healthy limits where their benefits predominate over their disadvantages. You can set a hours of use, by blocks of time and respect it, resist the need to share everything that happens to you, limit the accounts you follow to only friends, to relatives or those who really contribute something, establish a specific day of the week free from social networks or any other option that you can think of and that you see can help you in your goal.

Loneliness, although sometimes it is necessary, it can be overwhelming and in the case of footballers it can have physical and mental consequences, negatively impacting the court. Por ello, it is important to learn to deal with it and the above tips can be of great help.

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