Conmebol and Concacaf, a division with a long history in American football

Conmebol y Concacaf, una división de larga historia en el fútbol americano

Last update 20 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

The road to the World Cup 2026 has started, although not for everyone, but the reality is that the Conmebol teams have already started the qualifying process for this World Cup event that will be held in the United States., Mexico and Canada.

Concacaf, currently immersed in the Nations League, will begin its World Cup qualifiers in March 2024, moment at which the qualification for the highest FIFA national team competition will begin.

Sin embargo, The qualifying process for the World Cup has recovered an old doubt among football fans, since there are many who wonder why American football is divided.

The reality is that Conmebol and Concacaf have always been involved in rumors of a possible merger, uniting their official club competitions, as well as the World Cup qualifiers and national team tournaments, but this ultimately did not happen.

There are many reasons that explain this division., that only exists in American football, since UEFA groups all the teams from the 'Old Continent', something that happens also happens with the CAF in Africa, the AFC in Asia and the OFC in Oceania.

Conmebol saw the light in 1916, while Concacaf was formed in 1961, two data that reflect a significant gap of years, as well as the development of football in the American continent.

Además, To understand this separation of football in America, we also have to think about the economic factor of the region and what it would mean for the clubs., as well as for those selected, face the preparation of the qualifiers and the participation of sports entities in international competitions, without forgetting the long distances that the teams would have to travel.

Player transfers would be really heavy, since America, in all its dimension, It is a very large continent and not all countries are capable of facing these challenges., In addition to the fact that the football level of Conmebol is vastly higher than that of Concacaf, which would deprive many teams of a 'low level' of participating’ in the World Cups if this division did not exist.

The example of this is clearly Europe with UEFA, where their playoffs leave room for few surprises, since the usual ones usually qualify for international competitions.

The American region, focused on Concacaf, It does not have great economic power within football, except for countries like Mexico and in recent times the United States, who are making significant investments in the beautiful sport, so it would practically be unaffordable for other countries to participate in international events.

Efforts will continue to be made by the leaders so that there is collaboration between both Confederations, as they have stated, but the possibility of unification exists is something that, a día de hoy, It's practically impossible.

Despite these divisions, both Conmebol and Concacaf, leave exciting international events every year, whether with their clubs or national teams, that increase the experience of football fans. Betting houses anticipate big competitions and the World Cup is the biggest among them, This is why Winamax offers good options from now on for the qualification rounds, but many wonder”Winamax still without a welcome bonus?” due to the law in Spain, but Sportytrader helps to understand this because they will enjoy a great qualifying process for the World Cup of 2026 in this betting house.

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