Do you know Adnan Januzaj?

¿Conoces a Adnan Januzaj?

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

A very complicated name to pronounce and a more than peculiar origin make this extreme young man the less enigmatic. Born in Brussels ago 18 años, is the new jewel that has revolutionized Old Trafford this season. Of Albanian-Kosovar parents, Adnan's passport seems indecipherable. No minutes in the Belgian national team, the gossips assure that there has already been a first contact between him and the current coach of the English team Roy Hodgson. Young Januzaj could end up playing for half a dozen countries. To the aforementioned Belgium and England, we must add the interest of Croatia and Albania, although thanks to his offspring, by his grandparents, They also get Turkey and Serbia into the race. On several occasions he has been selected to play for Belgium sub. 18 and sub. 19, but the "red devil" has always preferred to do it for Albania.

El nombre de Januzaj empieza a sonar con fuerza en el mundo del fútbol.
Januzaj's name begins to sound strongly in the world of football.

Cuando tenía 16 years and played in the lower categories of Anderlecht, Manchester United paid 300.000 pounds to seize their services. Money very well invested so far, since the past 5 October became the youngest player in United history to score a double, he did it with just 18 years and 242 days. His first appearance in the starting eleven at the "Theater of Dreams", and his own came true. So far, the Dutchman Ruud Van Nistelrooy was the only one who had managed to score two goals in his debut as a starter.. As a cover letter it is not bad, but it must be added that those goals came from the game against Sunderland and were worth the 3 points. The match ended with the result of 2-1 And young Adnan named man of the match.

After the formidable 90 minutes of the boy, su entrenador, David Moyes has had to include him in list B to play the UEFA Champions League, since in the initial list of August the magical Januzaj did not appear. The next step was its renewal. So they got to work, since the first girlfriends appeared to the extreme young man. His name appeared on the agendas of teams of the magnitude of Real Madrid, A.C. Milan and F.C. Barcelona. The agreement was recently closed whereby the next red devils will belong to 5 seasons. We are therefore, before the stratospheric takeoff of another young crack. Now we can only wait and see the dimension that the name of Adnan Januzaj reaches, the new pearl of european football.

Adnan Januzaj es la nueva perla del fútbol europeo.
Adnan Januzaj is the new pearl of European football.

Alberto Marrodan

Other football specialist, that few people know in You can also follow me on @mohikanno
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