You know Billy McKay?

¿Conoces a Billy McKay?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Billy McKay is one of the players with most international projection of the Scottish Premier, a born striker who is doing some spectacular numbers in Inverness, surprise team in the SPL. Con 25 just turned years, This bears a mark of Northern Ireland 17 goals in 21 official parties with the team of the Highlands.

William Robert "Billy" McKay was born ago 25 years in Northern Ireland. He began his career Leicester City, where he signed his first contract 2008 after impressing technicians foxes who they were impressed with his performances in the reserves team.

En el verano de 2009, McKay, just signing for Northampton, signing a preseason, with two spectacular goals in a match against Coventry City, which he led to signing Stuart Gray “Billy” for a year. McKay signed some important goals during that year, a total of 8 many in 43 parties. Until the end of 2011, McKay did not move from Northampton being a regular in the starting lineup of the team.

Billy McKay es el máximo goleador en Escocia.
Billy McKay is the top scorer in Scotland.

No one would have preceded what was to come. That same summer 2011 his career took a 360 degree turn to the humble sign for Scottish Premier club, Inverness Caledonian Thristle el, of which we have already spoken hanging (CLICK HERE). It has been in Scotland where McKay has exploded and how. His first season was quite discreet, just three goals in 24 parties and it was not until his second season when he would devote himself as a great striker. En la temporada 12-13, Northern Ireland made a whopping 27 goals in 44 parties that put the front table of the championship top scorers Scottish.

small forward, with a speed endiablada, technical and very goal, this season is confirming the great player who is. With Aaron Doran, It is one of the most feared front of northern Europe and have put to Inverness in the second position of the SPL. Certainly the surprise team of the tournament, in second place and following the path of a historic as Glasgow Celtic.

McKay y Doran una pareja letal del Inverness en la Premier escocesa.
McKay and Doran a lethal pair of Inverness in the Scottish Premier.

At the beginning of this campaign managed to score nine goals in 9 League matches, a total balance 17 goals in 24 parties. Great brand that has already attracted interest from several European clubs, above all, in the English Premier League. It is international with Ireland North and one of the most promising players in the country. Certainly a real jugadorazo that will talk in the future.

Koldo Sandoval

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