Do you know Jose Angel Pozo?

¿Conoces a José Ángel Pozo?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Few followers of Spanish football will meet Jose Angel Pozo. Sin embargo, They would do well to point your name on their agendas. El Manchester City, pagó por él 3 million euros to Real Madrid when he was still a cadet just 16 años, a promise to be confirmed. It was in March 2012 an issue that raised some dust and in which intervened own Florentino Perez. A player who at the time was one of the jewels of Valdebebas.

Nacido en 1996, Jose Angel Pozo is Fuengirola, Málaga, but it was in the quarry of Real Madrid where he uncorked one of the promises of Spanish football. A detail, which is not overlooked for English club scouts they did not hesitate to incorporate it for your team promises in an operation that was not so easy. The City, he preferred to sign the player after negotiating with Madrid team instead taking him free with a change of residence because it was a minor. Three million euros, according to count, a series of confidential clauses.

not very tall striker, 1,70, and dominating, He had the opportunity to debut with the first team in an official match City Cup Pellegrini's hand in December 2014 and he made scoring a goal. Antes, a season before had been the team's top scorer Sub 21 the City despite not playing in a few months due to injury and have a few years younger than his rivals. Just a few days later, also he debuted in the Premiership and also, he did as a starter.

Con 18 años, Pellegrini gave the alternative as a tip holder in the party that faced the City against Leicester. international Sub 19 with Spain, there are few teams in La Liga who have put their eyes on him to incorporate it in the form of assignment. On Hanged, as we do in these cases, we will continue to monitor developments.

Pozo marcó en su debut en Copa con el City.
Pozo scored on his debut in the City Cup.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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