Buenos Aires, City football stadiums

Buenos Aires, la ciudad de los estadios de fútbol
La Bombonera is one of the most representative stadiums in Buenos Aires. FOTO: https://sp.depositphotos.com/

Last update 12 September, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

What are the stadiums of Buenos Aires? In Argentina football live from another perspective, from an unbridled passion and its capital, Buenos Aires, I could not be less. In fact we can say that in the famous city of Argentina 3 millions of inhabitants, It is a football town. We can almost say that it is the city of football stadiums. And the city has up to 17 estadios diferentes, 36 between the city and its surroundings 59 in the province, of greater or lesser capacity but belonging to professional teams.

The stadiums of Buenos Aires

grafico estadio de buenos aires kaiser
The stadiums of Buenos Aires. Foto: @ Kaisermagazine.com by kevin_dom92

The stadiums of Buenos Aires and surroundings

As we said, hasta 59 football stadiums can be found in Buenos Aires and its outskirts. Sports venues that range between 72.000 del Antonio Vespucci Liberti, known as the River Monumental and the 3000 viewers of the William Lastra del CD Riestra.

In the area there are some of the largest stadiums in Argentina. And it has 8 precincts between 72.000 y los 47.000 capacity viewers.

These are : The Monumental de River (72.000), The Bombonera de Boca (54.000), President Peron or ‘Cylinder’ de Avellaneda de Racing(51.389), el Jose Amalfitani Stadium of Velez (49.747), Tomas Adolfo Ducó from Hurricane (48.314), Liberators of America from Independent (48.069), el Pedro Bidegain o ‘new Gasometer‘ de Saint Lawrence (47.964) y el City of Lanus (47.027).

Then we find other 11 that range between 37.000 y los 20.000 spectators. A special number that undoubtedly makes Buenos Aires and surroundings in the city of soccer. Sin embargo, quantity does not mean quality and except in a few cases in which they have been recently renovated or built, Few of these large stadiums are prepared and conditioned for the times, nor have their infrastructures been modernized..

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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