The Daesh beheads four players and a coach

El Daesh decapita a cuatro jugadores y un entrenador

Last update 12 July, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Daesh, ISIS, NO…no matter how you call them, the terrorist barbarity of these people seem to be endless and unfortunately, actions such as this that we tell are too common in places like Raqqa, Syria, territory dominated by this car called state seems determined to sow terror wherever he goes. In this case it is the turn to four players and the coach of the club Al-Shabab.

Osama Abu Kuwait, Ihsan Al Shuwaikh, Nehad Al Ahmed Hussen and Ahawakh footballers were beheaded in broad daylight, like a thing of natural, Daesh accused of betraying and being Kurdish spies. The execution, as if the Middle Ages they were, It occurred with impunity in a square in the city of Raqqa and the sight of hundreds of people, even small child. The images in this senseless savagery was recorded by attendees and rolled through social networks like a photo on the beach typical of these dates out.

This madness seems to end and it's not the first time the Daesh commits an act of these related to football. En 2015, He sentenced to death and massacred 13 Teens also to light in Mosul, Iraq, territory dominated by this organization. His crime was being caught watching a game of Iraq in the Asia Cup, something forbidden and condemned to death by a people who could receive any qualifying person less than. It seems ironic that we are in the XXI century.

football hung

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