Athletic will fight until the end for European places

El Athletic luchará hasta el final por los puestos europeos

Last update 2 May, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

In the last days, things are taking on a bittersweet taste in Bilbao. Rumors about the continuity of Marcelino soar, and there are already few who trust that the manchego coach will continue to be the coach of the lions next season. In that context, Athletic Club is fighting for a place in Conference League that is getting closer thanks, among other things, to the last defeat of Villarreal CF against bottom.

Marcelino García Toral said on his social networks: “Proud to have these footballers and this fans. Thanks for another magical night. Let's keep fighting together until the end. We are waiting for you all on Saturday in San Mamés!”. The answers have been of all colors, but without a doubt the most repeated has been the request for renewal by the Basque fans.

Ahora, Athletic Club will host Valencia on Saturday 7 of May as announced by LaLiga after announcing the schedules of the days 35 y 36. The game will be played at a quarter past four in the afternoon.. Three days later he will visit Granada in Los Cármenes at 20 hours. Nine points at stake when they are only one behind Villarreal and five behind Real Sociedad.

After the results obtained by Valencia after losing against Betis in the Copa del Rey, the best bookmakers They give the Basque team as a favorite that after playing these two games will only have two more left. The team will play a match against Osasuna in San Mamés and against Sevilla in the Sánchez Pizjuán.

For your part, Unai Winner, From Marcos, Nico Williams and Petxarroman will not be able to play in the match if they are booked in the appointment that will be played this Saturday at nine o'clock at night.

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