Derby entries made in pen on paper

El derbi de las entradas hechas a bolígrafo en un papel
This was the entrance to the Hercules type sold yesterday attendees Hercules-Elche. On paper, Hand-written pen. Foto: Alicante Square

Last update 16 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Can you imagine going to a game against the archrival of your team and you get a ticket at the box office made pen on paper? Well that's what happened in the derby of Alicante. Hercules and Elche wander far from their best times of glory. Both rival teams, neighbors and historical roam the Second B not so far glimpsing better times. What no one expected was such a chaotic situation, casposa peculiar as I was in the Rico Perez de Alicante, a stadium and a club that despite category, They presuppose first level.

He Hercules last he trod the first 2011 Meanwhile he Elche He managed to stay in the top flight in 2015, although the LFP of Thebes down by the economic-administrative issues. The decline in Elche last season Segunda B apart from having led a group 3 full of historical, that could give the Alicante derby. A derby that raised the expectation in both cities, separated by a few km, and left more than one stunned when on arrival at the stadium box office Hercules with an entry made in pen on paper the club was found.

The fans a surprise box office took in the Rico Pérez, where a computer failure prevented localities issued by the LFP program often use the Hercules but no longer belong to the League for years. In the absence of entries, fans who paid their locality, they were given a sort of club and papers which appeared the seal of the entity herculana, but in which the price and the identification of the town was written in pen. A ridiculous and peculiar situation that many fans did not hesitate to share via social networks and became viral.

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