The disaster of the England team in all major events

El desastre de la selección inglesa en todas las grandes citas

Last update 21 June, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

Until 1950, England did not participate in the World Cup. As creators of the beautiful game, they did not need to participate with other teams to demonstrate their theoretical superiority.. Some friendlies and the British Home Championship were part of his only international or not so international experiences.

Sin embargo, the quoted 1950 It was a turning point for the pros. His participation in Brazil resulted in a surprising elimination at the hands of Spain and the United States that took him away from the semifinals and put his hegemony in question.. A hegemony that was definitely truncated a 25 de noviembre de 1953, when Hungary would win 3-6 to England in nothing more and nothing less than Wembley.

Since then, England has never been a true soccer powerhouse, but rather a promise. It is true that England won their World Cup in 1966, but he did it with a lot of controversy, with a quarter-final against Argentina full of referee convulsions and a final that ended with a phantom goal that still does not know if it entered or not. Beyond, de eso, the panorama is bleak.

El partido que cambió a historia inglesa. 3-6 ante Hungría.
The game that changed English history. 3-6 against Hungary.

He has never played a World Cup final, and only once, in Italy 90 reached the semifinals. Even, stopped being present in two consecutive World Cups in the years 70. The World Cup bad, but worse the Eurocup. The English never reached a final of the top European competition for national teams and only twice, they landed in the semifinals, one of them when they organized it in 1996.

England boasts of having one of the best leagues in the world, sino la mejor. How do you explain these bad results? Difficult analysis. Precisamente, The Premier demands a lot from its players and they arrive tired. Además, the pressure is notorious when they wear the national jersey. If he joins that he does not usually have a good goalkeeper and that they print a high rhythm to the games that sometimes even takes their toll, part of the failure is explained.

Indudablemente, there is also some bad luck. England have been eliminated not infrequently in the penalty shootout and usually fall evenly matched in really complicated groups, quizás, because he seldom enjoys top seed status. A new generation full of talent and desire is coming behind. Quizás, the right one to break this curse.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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