El fútbol, a necessary sport

El fútbol, un deporte necesario
In the middle of the health crisis, soccer has proven to be a necessary sport.

Last update 13 March, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

He soccer is one of the most practiced sports in Spain, the first if we look at the number of federated.

According to the statistics of federated that are published by the Superior Council of Sports, soccer exceeds one million federated in our country.

Other statistics on popular sports indicate that running seems to be the most practiced by non-federated, but these studies are based on surveys, not in number of licenses, so the official statistics place football as the most practiced sport by federated.

In the ranking of sports seen on television, el soccer is the undisputed king, with parties that gather millions of Spaniards in front of the screen.

The health crisis that we are experiencing has made us have to stop practicing some sports, due to the risk of contagion. In the last weeks, we have had good news for the sport, that has been declared an activity of general interest. Además, for a few days, the reduction in COVID cases has allowed the return of collective classes.

After this change in the regulatory framework of sport within the health crisis, many athletes celebrate that sport is given the value it has and we are eager to return to classes, training and matches.

Fútbol, a popular sport for all ages

Soccer is an elite sport but also popular, what can be practiced by people of all ages, with a level of intensity adapted to the physical conditions of each one.

Además, currently we can find football equipment designed for each stage of the footballers who practice it, with balls to learn to play and other regulations, training equipment and any other material that we may need to play soccer.

Soccer is a good sport for the health and for the mind, while we practice it we do physical exercise and it is a very social sport, like all team sports.

In addition to these virtues, It should also be noted that it can be a very harmful sport, so it is important play soccer and train with age-appropriate equipment and physical condition of those who practice it.

For the younger footballers, foam soccer balls will prevent injuries and make the game easier and more enjoyable.

There are also specific balls intended for educational centers such as rubber balls, this material increases the durability of the ball and offers a pleasant touch to the players.

In the case of matches and competitions, synthetic leather or TPU balls They will be the best option to be able to play with the same material as our idols.

We hope that we will continue to win the battle against the terrible health situation we are experiencing and that we will soon be able to practice our sport again and enjoy games and meetings with friends..


football hung

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