The fastest goal in the Premier League

El gol más rápido de la Premier League
This Shane Long goal is the fastest in Premier League history. FOTO: Movistar capture

Last update 29 May, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

What is the fastest goal in the Premier League??

The record for the fastest goal in Premier League history is held by Shane Long, delantero del Southampton. This achievement occurred on 23 de abril de 2019, during a match against Watford. Long needed alone 7.69 seconds to open the scoreboard, establishing a new record and surpassing the previous one that had remained in force for almost two decades.

Shane Long's goal came when the striker applied pressure immediately after the kick-off, intercepting a clearance by the Watford defender, Craig Cathcart. Long took advantage of the opportunity and skillfully shot over the goalkeeper Ben Foster, leaving everyone amazed by the speed and effectiveness of its action.

This goal not only broke records, but also generated a wave of reactions on social networks and among football fans. The media and sports analysts praised the speed and skill displayed by Long in those crucial first seconds of the game..

Shane Long's goal has been recorded on the Premier League history como el the fastest ever recorded. This milestone not only highlights the player's individual skill, but also the unpredictable and exciting nature of football, where every second counts and can make a big difference.

Shane Long takes the record for the fastest goal from Ledley King

Before Long's goal, the record belonged to Ledley King of Tottenham Hotspur, who had scored the 9.82 seconds in a match against Bradford City this season 2000/2001. This goal had been considered a remarkable feat, But Long's speed and precision redefined what was thought possible in the first moments of a match..

For more details on this record and other iconic Premier League moments, you can visit the Premier League official website.

Los 10 Fastest goals in Premier League history

  • Shane Long – 7.69 seconds: Watford vs Southampton, 23 de abril de 2019.
  • Philip Billing – 9.11 seconds: Arsenal vs AFC Bournemouth, 4 de marzo de 2023.
  • Ledley King – 9.82 seconds: Bradford City vs Tottenham Hotspur, 9 from December to 2000.
  • Alan Shearer – 10.52 seconds: Newcastle United vs Manchester City, 18 of January of 2003.
  • Christian Eriksen – 10.54 seconds: Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United, 31 of January of 2018.
  • Mark Viduka – 11.90 seconds: Charlton Athletic vs Leeds United, 17 de marzo de 2001.
  • Dwight Yorke – 12.16 seconds: Coventry City vs Aston Villa, 30 de septiembre de 1995.
  • Chris Sutton – 12.94 seconds: Everton vs Blackburn Rovers, 1 de abril de 1995.
  • Kevin Nolan – 13.48 seconds: Blackburn Rovers vs Bolton Wanderers, 10 of January of 2004.
  • James Beattie – 13.52 seconds: Chelsea vs Southampton, 28 of August of 2004.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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