The Mikasa, the ball that marked your childhood

El Mikasa, el balón que marcó tu infancia
The Mikasa, el balón más duro de la historia. FOTO: (OWN)

Last update 24 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

If you are not a kid of today and you were one of those who played soccer in the street, in any field of sand or square, you will know the Mikasa, the ball that marked your childhood and possibly some part of your body. And it was a real cannonball that if sand was wet and picked, and it became a terrible weapon. A ball that was capable of warming you up even if you were playing football in Turkmenistan or in Siberia.

Mikasa was and is, el balón más duro de la historia

A stone, weighing 3 times more than a normal ball of his time and 40 times more than today. Texture so hard that if you happened to give head, you lost 3456 blow neurons, almost nothing. Punterazos and accumulated even when uninflated, He remained a rock.

Mikasa tanned you, It would be necessary to see some kid of those who play today in grassroots football categories and even some professional, play with him, con las football boots before and in the potato fields where football was played until a decade ago.

The most resistant ball in history continues to sell

You are right, pese a que Mikasa was the symbol of amateur football ground and mud of 70, 80 it is included 90, is that still manufacturing and selling. According to data that gives the brand itself, apparently they sold some 300.000 al año.

¿Y tú, ever you played with one of them? you remember?, Did you live that of “It hurts more than a pitch of a Mikasa”?, Did you give any punterazo of the time or stayed with him shocked and marked on the forehead after clearing a play? Tell us more about your experience with the legendary tougher ball amateur football history.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


4 thoughts on “The Mikasa, the ball that marked your childhood

  1. a H.DE P. neighbor I exploded a new MIKASA … nueva …. when I went to ask him to give it back to me because
    being children at that time the balls and the kicks did not know fences , no bars , nor walls … only
    the goal frame where we were playing … the very son of a bitch gave it back to me but exploded and with the sign
    that he had just embedded a kitchen knife …. day by day … I feel a trauma for the pain suffered in that
    time ( They say that when you are a child and someone hurts you that you do not forget ) … today I'm dying for
    try to recover the MIKASA SVC50000 ; but only in Japan they still make them and do not sell them abroad.
    If anyone can help me try to get one of that ….it would be invaluable to me .

  2. We used to play a team without a shirt and another with shirt. In a game I play shirtless and stop chested down a punterazo of the opponent. At the end you could read in my chest “I ASAC”

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