Saturday, February 8, 2025

Interview with José Pedrosa Galan, a Spanish footballer in Jordan

Last update 8 January, 2015 by Alberto Llopis

In the heart of the Middle East, halfway between Egypt and Syria, is a relatively new country but with a millenary history, Jordan. A state of just six million inhabitants known for being one of the most visited tourist destinations by European citizens and where among other wonders is the city of Petra. Over there, Oddly enough, soccer is also played, so much so that in the world past the national team was on the verge of qualifying for the final phase in Brazil after falling in one of the play-offs against Uruguay. and there, although it seems unreal there are also Spanish footballers. This is the case of José Pedrosa, recently signed by Shabab Al- ordering.
Atlético de Madrid, Toledo, Almeria, Leonese Cultural, Chainat FC ( Thailand ) , FC Ambassador Pro ( Indonesia), St. Polten ( Austria ) and now the Shabab Al-Ordon Jordan. Are you a soccer globetrotter despite your 28 years?
I left Spain at the end of 2011, from that one he was still one of the first or adventurers who left the country in search of another type of football. What surprises me is that in only 3 years, he “boom” of Spanish footballers who emigrate has not stopped growing. On the one hand it's fine, that we open horizons and realize that there is football beyond Spain and Europe, It also serves to value and respect other countries in the world of football that do nothing were unknown…and even infravalorabamos. But on the other hand, it makes you sad that it is because in Spain the economic issue in football has gotten worse to the point that if you want to make a living from your profession as a footballer, you can hardly play in your own country..
José Galán fue subcampeón de Copa en Austria.
José Galán was Cup runner-up in Austria.
Among so many countries, among so many leagues and teams, Why Jordan and the Shabab?
I wanted a change,Despite having received offers to continue playing in Europe and Southeast Asia, he had in mind to come and play in the Middle East. Here are powerful leagues like Qatar's, Emiratos, Arabia Saudi o Kuwait, And when they told me about Jordan that although less known is quite strong in the area, I did not think about it.. The team is the League Champion in 2013, a historical one here who was AFC Champion in 2008 also. The manager of the club has trusted a lot in my way of playing from the first moment, like the portuguese coach, who intends to do a type of possession football in attack that benefits me, so i think i can fit perfectly here.
Despite the fact that you have been embarking on this new adventure for a very short time, What do you know about the country and what has surprised you the most in your still short stay?
The country has not stopped surprising me since the first day I arrived. Very open people, very nice with the foreigner and especially with us Spaniards. I was surprised that our local teammates feel more passion for teams in our League even than we Spaniards. They are fans of Real Madrid AND Bareclona! Another thing that has surprised me is the weather, the first day I landed in shorts, and a week later we could not even train because of the snow that has fallen these last two days. I never would have thought that there could be this cold and snow around here. And me with summer clothes! eggs.
And about your football?
His football is way better than people may think.. I have been to many countries and I have seen many leagues, I can tell you that it is the one that has surprised me the most level. The local players have a lot of quality. Jordan was about to play the last World Cup. We have several international players and I honestly see a lot more level than what I could expect at first.
La nueva aventura Galán le lleva a Jordania.
The new Galán adventure takes him to Jordan.
Never has a Jordanian inhabitant been able to participate in a winter Olympics and never won a medal in the summer ones either.. However, the national team was one step away from qualifying for the last World Cup in Brazil. Is Jordanian football booming?
They were one step away from playing the World Cup in Brazil after the play-off against Uruguay. Now they have qualified for the Asian Cup of National Teams in which they debut in a few days against Iraq, Japan and Palestine. From what I hear they are not very happy with the current coach of the country, but they still trust that they will be able to do a good job in the Tournament.
In a league so seemingly tight for local players, Do you know of the existence of any other Spanish footballer in the Jordanian Premier League or at least South American with whom to get along??
No. Both my classmates Toni and Dennis, like me we will be the first Spaniards to play in this league. I hope that from us this is more known, and we can play a great role in opening the door to more Spanish players in the future.
Been to many teams and countries, of those you have visited or played, with what experience do you stay and why?
From each country I take something special: of each league, traditions, mindset or meals
there are things that I like. I could not choose. What I take with me are great companions from many parts of the world, and knowing that in the future, Wherever I go I can have a friend to call. I also stay with the idea that knowing more players and leagues from many countries, and this helps me not to prejudge or discredit a league, a country or some players due to the fact of being born in a less well-known country in terms of football. Today I am much more respectful o “opened” in every way that when he played in Spain. That football and personal growth is what I keep from my years playing abroad.
There are many who have known you in recent days because of your recent signing for Shabab. For those who have not seen you play, What kind of footballer would you say José Pedrosa is?
Although in Austria he played as a midfielder, and my last year in Almería as a defensive midfielder, I consider myself an organizing midfielder, and “box to box” who works in defense and likes to have the ball in attack. I am dynamic, I do quite a few kms in the matches, and with the ball I consider myself a quality player, with good vision of the game in the creation and in the last pass.
Galán también jugó en Indonesia.
Galán also played in Indonesia.
Your latest adventures go abroad, But will we see you soon in Spain or after Jordan, will you continue to discover new countries??
Right now I don't see myself playing in Spain, although you never know… I have received offers this last year to return to Spain but I would like to continue playing abroad for a few more years. Today is what motivates me, but in the future I would also like to play again for my hometown team, the Cultural Leonesa.
I suppose that in Austria you will have followed the Spanish league. How do you see Real Madrid and Barcelona? Do you think it is possible that Atlético de Madrid will surprise again?
I think that Real Madrid this year is the strongest team. But I also think that the loss of Modric is being noticed a lot, for me it was one of the pillars of the team, I hope he recovers as soon as possible. I see Barcelona with too many extra-sports problems and the “Athletes” with the mentality of Simeone he will fight to the end, but I see Real Madrid champion of LIga, And I also really want Almería to continue in the First Division, what is my second land.
Well, José Pedrosa, Thank you very much and we hope you do well in this adventure through Jordan, good luck. We remind you that you can also follow your adventures through your website (
Thank you very much for the interview. Here you have me for what you want.
Julio Muñoz
Julio Muñoz
Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982

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