American college football: a golden opportunity

Fútbol universitario americano: una oportunidad de oro

Last update 23 December, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

It goes without saying that soccer is one of the most widespread and leading sports in the world.. In fact, slowly, This discipline is captivating an increasing number of followers in areas such as North America, and more specifically in the United States.

In fact, in that country football is growing by leaps and bounds, establishing itself as an industry and positioning itself as one of the most attractive places to become a professional player.

It's more, American leagues have a vast majority of footballers of other nationalities, many of them young talents who start their careers there. And they do it thanks to the opportunity offered by companies such as DecoaSports, entity that is in charge of managing sports scholarships for foreign students and that specializes in American college football.

What is positive about the United States?

Undoubtedly, The greatest advantage that makes the United States one of the ideal places to grow and train as a soccer player is its university system.

Allí, in what is known as the country of opportunities, The educational system is designed in such a way that it allows you to fully combine your studies in a Faculty with high-performance sports.

This fact is not yet established in several European countries, por ejemplo, where studying and competing can sometimes be a real headache. You can find more information about soccer scholarships in the USA at

The existence of university leagues is a key factor

Parallel to the correct functioning of the educational system in relation to the field of competitive sport, in the United States there are several college football leagues. Some of the most prestigious are: NCAA, with its different categories, NAIA y HJAA.

These leagues allow the young footballer to learn, grow and develop their potential in an environment commensurate with their level. This circumstance is difficult to find in other parts of the planet..

If your passion is soccer and you want to dedicate yourself to it while also training with higher education, seriously consider applying for one of these college football scholarships. Quizás, that is the beginning of the road to the achievement of your dream.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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